Comfort Cravings
August 5, 2014
I bet you’ll never guess what I’m listening to right now. Why, yes, that’s right – I AM listening to Christmas music. Come Let Us Be Merry by Carrie Crompton and the Barolk Folk (an oldie but goodie). And I’m smelling the lovely scent of the apple and spice candle that is Leaves from Bath and Body Works. On the stove is a steaming pot of Broccoli Cheese soup into which we’ll dip yummy turkey sandwiches. For dessert, Chessman cookies from Pepperidge Farm. Oh, almost forgot about the lovely mug of coffee I made for myself as well. All comfort foods – all things I am needing right now. I was sitting in the recliner with tears streaming down my face and I decided to make myself feel better in a way that I knew was right. So, out of season? Perhaps, but then again, my new mantra is “It doesn’t matter.” And really, it doesn’t. Especially not now.
Summer Health Challenge – Weeks 5 & 6
July 13, 2014
Well, well, well – looky who is doing a pretty good job so far! Yes, ME! All I needed was the correct motivation and BOOM – I’m off. Now, don’t take that to mean it’s all perfect ’cause it’s not. It just means that I have found something that works and I’ll keep doing it as long as it continues to work. Since it has been almost two weeks since I made the change, I felt I’d better get back on here and let you know how it’s going.
I have to say I thought it would be hard to give up snacks and at first it was. Every time I passed the cupboard that I snacked out of I would think, hmm, I’ll just have a couple of crackers…wait…nope, can’t do that. It made me realize just how ingrained this little snacking habit was! But, then, I’d think of my prayer intentions for my fasting and it would be easier to pass it up. Now, two weeks later, I don’t think much about eating outside of meals or diving in that cupboard for food.
I also am enjoying food again instead of using it for medication. Instead of thinking of eating when bad things come, I offer it all up, say a prayer, think of my intentions. I guess that’s what you call working the program. :-) My stomach growls to be fed when it is supposed to and, since I eat better at meals (which means the right foods and enough of them), I don’t really get hungry in between until the next meal approaches. In essence, I am re-learning how to eat and I’m making progress.
I also read this post from Wardrobe Oxygen about self-care – I even printed it out so I could remember what I can do when things start sliding. She talks about how she started her recovery by going outside for 15 minutes a day. Then, she started walking up and down the block each day. She made small goals and when she was ready, she upped that goal by doing the next thing. I’ve decided that I can do that too. Sounds like kaizen to me so I’m all over that.
I also read this post from Like Mother, Like Daughter about self-care and make sure that I keep up on my basic self-care, because when things start sliding some of the basics tend to go. So, I am using very basic stuff like Dove soap and a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and I feel better. Now that I’m in the groove I tend not to skip because it just makes me feel so good.
So, to wrap up, things are going quite well. Oh well, yeah, I fell off the wagon a couple of times near the end of this last week, but I’m back on and ready to roll for another week. And here’s my plan for the week just so I have it down:
1. Basic food groups at each meal – no snacking in between unless necessary (low blood sugar)
2. Walk to the end of the street and back each day.That’s it – I’ll be back tomorrow for a photo log of the last couple of weeks. Happy Sunday!
ETA – Almost forgot – I’ve lost four pounds so far so yes – it really is working!!
Summer Health Challenge Week 4
June 30, 2014
Well, that’s crazy, I know I published this, but wordpress says not and my post is also gone. So, looks like I get to write it all from scratch again. If it poofs again, I’ll know it’s not supposed to be published which will make all this a moot point and no one will ever know. Crazy!
So, it’s week 4 of my Summer Health Challenge and also at the end of month one and I’ve not made progress as in losing weight or changing habits. Lots of thinking? Yes, but that’s about it. So, I need to do something different and this is it:
I’m going to be fasting – as in giving up certain foods and sticking to a plan – for the rest of the summer. Right now there are some big prayer intentions in my life and I want to do make fasting a way to pray for these intentions since they are really serious. Here’s the plan for this first month (June 30-July 31):
I’m going to make the Four Food Groups my eating plan – Grains, Meat/Fish, Dairy, Vegetables/Fruit. Hey, it worked then and it will work now! I’ll eat a portion from each group at each meal and no snacks in between or at night (that’s where the real fasting comes in). No junk food, chocolate, or coffee either! Also, 1.5 liters of water every day (a French thing), and a multi-vitamin at lunch. For exercise it will be yoga from my Yoga For the Rest of Us dvd’s each day. No aerobics or getting my heart rate up (the 8 and counting dental/doctor appointments this month will do that) – what I need is stress relief, more flexibility, and pain relief.
I simply can’t do the calorie counting, the food diary, and all that. I can never keep it up so what I do has to be simple and this is the simplest plan I know of – going back to the basics.
So, I start tomorrow. I’ve got a chart and a prayer so I’m ready. Be with me Jesus – I trust in You!
Summer Health Challenge – Week 3
June 24, 2014
Here I am in Week 3 of my self imposed Summer Health Challenge…yeah…I can hear the fanfare fading away too. I have gained weight – not lost. I am stressed these last two weeks because of over scheduling of dental appointments. And I would like to just open my window, stick my head out and yell “I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore!”. Really. Lest you think it’s all gloom and doom around here, I have done a few positive things.
I got back into Calorie Count last week to help with tracking food and water intake, and also to maybe find community as well. Doing anything on your own is really hard and I’ve done plenty that way for most of my life. However, if you can find like minded people who are doing the same thing, then I think it’s a little bit easier. So, we’ll see how that goes.
After reading this post on Tish Jett’s blog (Forever Chic author), I made a breakfast menu that I could do easily and without a lot of no no’s. I can’t give up foods (except for the really bad stuff like fried foods, soda, and crap like Twinkies that I don’t eat anyway), so I may re-think that and just portion control the more dangerous for me foods. Especially things like butter and chocolate. I have no idea how much butter I’m spreading on my bread so it’s time to reign it in.
I started doing a guided relaxation at night courtesy of my Yoga For the Rest of Us dvd’s. It has helped in some really interesting ways. I feel more energized the following morning and it’s like my brain has been swept clean as well. Can’t explain it, but it’s definitely a stress buster and I need that!
So, while there’s a setback or two, all in all I feel I’m moving in the right direction. Which is good because I go for that bloodwork next month and I’m already dreading it. My motivation needs to be – get off and stay off meds and put an end to all these damn doctor visits and blood tests as well. I’m tired of having too much on my plate.
Mom’s Day Out
June 23, 2014
It was a long week last week after a depressing winter and a spring of wondering what the hell I’m doing these days. Well, it was time to have a break! I did not know just how much I had needed one until I was on my way home feeling incredibly energized. Even this morning I’m jumping around practically high fiving myself. :-) I know you’re all dying to know what I did and so here’s the breakdown. First the short version:
1. Made my list of what I wanted to look at/buy/get.
2. Starbucks for coffee and pastry
3. Music – Summer Mix 2014, Madonna, Rio album
4. Go to Target and lots of bookstores
5. Eat at Panera – ALONE
6. More bookstores
7. Starbucks Double Chocolate Chip Frapp to drink and Handmaiden of the Lord 2 for driving home musicOkay, those of you who don’t want to hear the long version may leave. Everyone else, grab a cuppa and come in close.
I had been planning this day for a couple of weeks knowing that Steve didn’t have to go to work until 4:30pm so it meant that I’d have the WHOLE day to myself. Guilty feelings? Yes, because I know the kids would have enjoyed a day out. However, I wanted to look at very specific things and have the time to do it without the kids being bored to death. That’s why I went alone. I made my list of homeschool materials I wanted to look at as well as other things I was in the market for. Little did I know it was going to be a day full of bookstores. :-)
I was out of the house by 7:30am on Saturday, popped in my Summer Mix 2014 cd and, of course, my first stop was Starbucks to pick up a coffee and pastry for breakfast. That getting healthy thing? That doesn’t apply on my special days out. No guilt here.
My first stop was Target (as always) and I picked up a gift for Matt and looked at makeup and books. Completely forgot about the Tasters Choice instant decaf singles we can only get out of town now, but I did pick up “The Body Book” by Cameron Diaz. That’s part of my get healthy summer. I had to decide early on not to spend an eternity in here like I usually do because I had other places I wanted to go. Like…
Michaels craft store! We don’t have one here so it was a great time to see what was new. That was fun! I picked up a couple of 6X8″ pocket pages (for photos), a couple of little tote bags the kids can take to the library for books, and a pretty photo box that I’ll use to put special things I want to keep. After that I was off to…
Ulta – YES – another store that I could spend a lot of time in! I wish I’d had time for a hair cut and a brow shaping, but I decided to do that around August or September when I’ve really decided on a hairstyle I want. The thing I like about Ulta is it has department store brands and drugstore brands so there’s a lot to choose from. Oh, and the amount of travel sized goodies – squee!! Did I ever tell you I’m a makeup junkie too? Anywho, since I’m simplifying I just picked up a clear pink nail polish (not the one I wanted but close enough), a day moisturizer, and a night cream. Simple is what I’m going for these days. Next up…
Mardel’s – a Christian bookstore that has a lot of homeschooling materials. Mostly I looked at stuff here and made some final decisions on curriculum for next year. I forgot one thing – the Simple Plan homeschool planner. Well, guess I’ll have to go again. :-) After that it was on to…
Gardner’s – only the best used book store in the state. No, really, it is! Another homeschool mom tipped me off about it years ago and we’ve been going ever since. I found five books that I’ve been wanting to own – I couldn’t believe my luck! I bought, Seasons of A Woman’s Life (okay, that was not on my list but I need it), Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love” and “Committed”, “The Girlfriend’s Guide To Getting Your Groove Back” by Vicki Iovine, and “Staging Your Comeback” (yeah, I’m aging). All for $20! Love used bookstores! And then it was time for…
Bibliomania – a great used homeschool curriculum bookstore. I almost always find what I’m needing in here and it’s nice just to look at stuff when you really don’t know what to choose. Sue, who I’ve known for years, is always ready and willing to help out. I ended up buying the math curriculum we’ll need, but I also did a lot of browsing. That’s a key thing with me – I like to look and ponder before buying.
By the time I finished there, my stomach was rumbling so I knew I needed to eat. The dilemma? Run by a drive thru or actually sit down and eat. I opted to sit down and it and went to Panera. The parking lot was full so I thought they were really busy, but I lucked out – not crowded at all! To those who don’t know me, I rarely (I mean like once every few years) go to eat alone anywhere. I had decided to put on my “It doesn’t matter” attitude and everything went fine. I sat and ate and enjoyed the quiet. Making progress folks – making progress. Would you believe another bookstore was next on my list?
Barnes and Noble – This is where I knew I was finishing up my trip – getting tired and wanting a frapp for the drive home. I looked to my heart’s content and ended up buying D’Aulaire’s Norse Myths books. We may have to have another nightly family read-aloud with this one. All of the D’Aulaire’s books are wonderful so check them out! The last stop on my list…
The Catholic Bookstore – I don’t often have time to venture in here, but I’m glad I had time yesterday. I found some good books for the kids and a book and cd for myself. I was the only one in the store so I (again) browsed to my heart’s content. Haven’t done that in quite awhile!
So, that wrapped up my trip and I knew I needed to get back in time to take Steve to work (and figure out what to do for supper – I really need to do crock pot recipes on Saturdays.) I popped in my newly bought Handmaiden of the Lord 2 cd for the drive home, stopped off only to put gas in the car, and headed out. The music was like a retreat for the drive home and I found myself so energized that I realized that I hadn’t realized just how much I needed this day out! I also realized I might be going through a mid-life crisis, but I’ll save those thoughts for another day.
So, it was a great day and a much needed break. And of course, this post wouldn’t be complete without a couple pictures to remember it by.
Music Sunday – A Prayer For The Day
June 22, 2014
Voices Rise In Heartfelt Fervor – Daughters of St Paul
Voices rise in heartfelt fervor
Hail O Mother of our Savior
Of apostles you are QueenHail, O star the dawn revealing
Hail, our light, our hope, our healing
Hail, o port of every sea!
Teach us for the love of Jesus
How to bear what does not please us
How to suffer willinglyVoices rise in heartfelt fervor
Hail O Mother of our Savior
Of apostles you are QueenBe our strength in each endeavor
Vigor give our prayer life ever;
Grant the grace to persevere.
You who are our Savior’s Mother
Clement, loving as no other,
Deign your children’s cry to hear.Voices rise in heartfelt fervor
Hail O Mother of our Savior
Of apostles you are QueenMother, Teacher of apostles,
May the doctrine of the Gospel
Fill our spirits to the brim;
Banish every error from us
That Christ’s truth may shine among us
And all peoples come to Him.Voices rise in heartfelt fervor
Hail O Mother of Our Savior
Of apostles you are Queen. -
Let It Go
June 18, 2014
Yes, it’s time for another decluttering o’the house. Every few years I have to weed things out and this is one of those years. We have accumulated a lot of stuff since moving here in 2005 and it’s time to go through and toss out what isn’t necessary or loved. Right now I’m going through the bookshelves and wow, is it a long overdue overhaul!
I have a LOT of homeschool stuff that I need to get rid of because I no longer have kids in the lower grades and no up and coming kids to use those books. That is sad, but it is life. That said, I am keeping a lot of good reading books because I am going to be the grandma that reads to her grandkids. Many of these books are classics and have been well loved in this house so they are definitely worth keeping. The rest will be put up for sale on my Catholic swap group and I hope to find good homes for those materials (and make a little money as well). I would love to have a garage sale but we’ll see if I can make it happen this year.
I am also getting rid of books that I bought with the intention of reading but never have. I liked the idea of the book or started reading the book, but found that it didn’t apply or just didn’t finish (or even start) the book for whatever reason. Probably because I have too many. :-) Most of these are in excellent shape so I am going to try selling at Hastings and my swap group. Some that were already bargain basement finds will go to Goodwill.
Not only am I decluttering books, but also magazines. I have a collection of Real Simple magazines that have been lining my shelves for years. Occassionaly I will look at the older ones, but mostly they sit on the shelf, so it’s time to recycle them. I was going to rip out the articles that I felt were helpful, and I did start that, but I’ve never looked at those articles. I hate seeing them go, but if they aren’t being read and just taking up space it is time to let them go. *sniff*
I’ve also been going through my clothes again. Since I’ve lost weight, clothes that I bought a few years back (well, okay, seven to be exact) do not fit anymore so those have gone. Clothes that simply do not look good on me or not my style are going too. I am keeping what is good for the summer and add a couple of new pieces as well. Hopefully I will keep losing weight so my wardrobe may be in transition for awhile. Speaking of which Clinton Kelly gives great advice on that at the Macy’s website under Help Me Clinton (tried to link but it didn’t link directly – sorry).
So, that’s what I’m doing this week as well as trying to keep up with my Health Challenge. Here’s to change and renewal.
Acceptance – Aging and Myself
June 11, 2014
A few posts back I mentioned that I’ve been reading more books and blogs written by women of a certain age – MY age. It seems I’ve been floating around in a bubble about that for awhile and not really accepting what’s going on with me. However, my face started breaking out a few months ago, but it’s also dry now so I decided to find a book that might help address both issues for a women in my age bracket. I found one – Toss The Gloss – by Andrea Q. Robinson. Lots of great advice and product recommendations for skin care, cosmetics, and beyond. However, the best part was the insider information she had on the cosmetics industry. So, that’s the book that got me started.
I had also been looking up wardrobe information next – namely capsule wardrobes – and found The 10 Item Wardrobe from The Daily Connoisseur blog by Jennifer Scott. That led me to her book “Lessons From Madame Chic” which I beat around the bush buying, but I finally did. The author is a young mother with young children, which really doesn’t fit me, but because I had been to Paris twice in my past life, the book intrigued me. I have to say, it’s given me a lot of food for thought on how to nourish my spirit and revive the self I used to be. Well, okay, I’ll never be that self again, but maybe I can emerge as a new me (the real me?) and finally indulge in those things that really make me happy. Like ballet and classical music concerts. So, we’ll see how I can incorporate those ideas.
So, that still brings me back to the wardrobe stuff. I was browsing online and found some information on capsule wardrobes (Wardrobe Oxygen being one of them), and I decided to Google wardrobe for women over 50. That led me to this book, Forever Chic, and her blog A Femme d’Un Certain Age. There is a lot of good information here and when I went to look at it again the next day, I accidentally stumbled on this one: une femme d’un certain age. Yeah, those titles are really close and that’s how I stumbled on the second one. :-) I really like the tone of this blog and she has a lot of wardrobe ideas as well as living life in general. Definitely not in the same income bracket ($165 for a shirt), but I can take the ideas and find similar styles in MY income bracket.
So, I’ve been going around lately calling myself a “woman of a certain age” istead of “51” or “old” and I find that it helps maintain perspective on the aging thing. The other thing is accepting and wanting to be ME instead of wishing I could be someone else, look like someone else, or have someone else’s life. Case in point. I was walking out of the library a couple of weeks ago and there was a beautiful woman on her way in. A little taller than me, dark brown hair, beautifully bronzed skin, wearing a flowy white tank top, bermuda shorts, and sandals. And she was my age! In that moment I wanted to BE her so badly! Me with my blotchy skin, bushy eyebrows, funky gray/blonde hair, and overweight body wanted to be HER. Later I realized I could never be her or even like her because I’m ME and not HER. SO, I decided to go on a campaign of accepting who I am and trying to make the best I could of it. I have to say I do feel a little better. I found some skin care and makeup I can live with for the summer (thank you Toss the Gloss) and I decided to make my own Ten Item Wardrobe for the summer as well. It’s taken some of the sting out and is pushing me towards living my own life. Time will tell how it all works out.
Now, I best be off – it’s school this morning and then doing some Father’s Day shopping this afternoon. So enjoy your day and enjoy who you are too. I’ll leave you with this quote attributed to Oscar Wilde –
“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”
Summer Health Challenge – Week 2 Plan
June 9, 2014
I sat down before bed Saturday night and decided to come up with a plan for the rest of the month. It goes something like this:
Week 1 – Pffft (That’s why I forced myself to come up with a plan)
Week 2 – 10 minutes of exercise, 6 glasses of water (6oz each), vitamin
Week 3 – All of the above plus – 2 glasses of fruit juice, 3 servings of veg
Week 4 – All of the above plus – protein of some type at each mealI haven’t gone beyond that because I think making goals for one month at a time is more sustainable for me personally. And as you can see Week 1 was a washout. Well, not a total washout – I did drink a lot of water which resulted in a one pound weight loss. Go me!
I decided this week my exercise will be marching in place for a minute 10 times each day. It’s not all at once but it is 10 minutes of exercise. My hope is the bursts of movement will help keep my energy up throughout the day too.
So, that’s the plan for the week. Let’s go!
Midweek Update
June 4, 2014
Okay, I’ll be honest, I’m off to a rocky start. On Sunday I had a soda (it’s something I have only a few times a year), a coffee, and trail mix from Target. Monday, I was really tired so I ordered pizza for supper. Oh and there were ice cream sandwiches involved as well. Oops. Yesterday morning I started crashing, but I knew it was due to not taking my synthroid two days in a row. I completely forgot Monday night, so I took the missed dose Tuesday morning and felt better by afternoon. I also avoided a complete meltdown that was starting by remembering about that and going with the flow. Yay me!
Today, I’m feeling less tired and more in the groove. I’ve got a menu plan going for the week and today it’s chef salad for lunch and a pasta casserole for supper with vegetables on the side. I bought a variety of Bolthouse Farms juices on Saturday so I’m cramming my fruits and veggies in that way this week. It’s spa-ish.
I’m reading Lessons From Madame Chic by Jennifer Scottand that is giving me food for thought too. I realized that I have no particular style in fashion anymore. It used to be very eclectic when I was younger, but also I tried to emulate so many other women’s styles that mine never evolved. I also found a book that’s more geared to the women of a certain age called Forever Chic by Tish Jett. Maybe that will help me find the style that suits me. More on that later.
So, what I need to do TODAY is write down those very specific goals for each week and try to meet them. I need to take it up a notch and do a challenge that really is a challenge. I need to say to myself, “Self, this is how we’re going to do it – are you with me?” And do it. Roll with the changes baby.