Beauty Update – Skincare
December 27, 2019
I thought it was time to give a mention to what I’m doing for skincare and makeup as I think it’s been awhile. Mostly, I’ve been using the same products for around two or three months. Here’s what I’ve been using.
I went ahead and purchased the big tube of Fresh’s Soy Facial Cleanser and the Son and Park Beauty water back in July. The beauty water was finally available after months of being MIA on the Sephora website, so I figured it was a good time to get everything. I have been using the cleanser daily since then and I still have enough left for another month or so. The beauty water is also still chugging along, although I did have a couple weeks when I used something else. I only use it for a toner so that big bottle is lasting.
For moisturizing I used Fresh’s Rose Deep Hydration Cream during the day and the Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Night Cream at night. I bought the minis near the end of August and they lasted two months and I replenished again and at the beginning of December I tossed them (they were almost gone anyway) because they didn’t seem to be moisturizing enough now that colder weather is in. They worked great earlier though and I do like them. After that I started using the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream and it’s okay. I don’t feel it’s super moisturizing but it’s fragrance free and works with everything else so I’m going to use it until the end of December when I’ll get something else. I have the L’Oreal Collagen Cream but oh boy it’s got a lot of fragrance in it. So, I’ll have to keep looking for a heavier cream for the winter.
I purchased the Cotz Face Moisture Lightly Tinted Sunscreen in July or August and I’m getting down to the end of the tube – I still have enough for the rest of December at least. Again, another product that you don’t need a lot of so that tube’s going to last. I use it every morning after moisturizing and this sunscreen also has the feel of a primer which I like. I’ve not really jumped on the primer bandwagon yet but this is one I could use all the time for sun protection and a primer. It’s an all mineral sunscreen so my skin doesn’t react.
For exfoliation I tried the Fresh Strawberry Exfoliating Wash (got the mini) and it’s not bad. It’s like a more liquid version of their brown sugar scrub that’s in a jar. It smells really good, but I’m not really sure it’s making a difference. As a physical exfoliant is gentler but still grainy. Sensitive skins will want to sample first. I also found this cool brush at TJ Maxx for exfoliation and I like it. I’ve only used it once (need to road test a little more), but it’s super soft and nonirritating. It feels really good on the skin. So, I think I’ll add that in more often and see how it works out.
And that’s it on the skincare. I’ll post on the makeup next since this post got a little long.
December 10, 2019
I’m saying this now – I plan to hibernate in January and possibly February. I’m going to be quiet. Less social media (I was going to say none but I do want to keep up with my kids), very little talking (as if), and even (GASP) less music. Less filler and more intentional doing of things I really want to do. Quiet. It needs to happen.
The last several years have been one train wreck after another on top of just trying to cope with everyday life amidst huge life changes. I’m toast. And very overweight and eating crap every day and wondering why nothing changes when there is change all around me but not within me.
So, it’s time to hibernate. What that is going to look like I don’t know but I think I’ll just start January with quiet. There has been way too much noise in my life and it’s drowning out the more important voices I need to hear. Like my own thoughts and my own voice. We recently had a kerfluffle with the shower again, and I took the day after to just be quiet and do housework and catch up on stuff that was needing my attention. It was bliss. I felt renewed and the next day was able to call and get help. I need more days like that.
One of the things that has been coming to me over and over for the last four months is not talking or talking much less. I don’t talk to many people as it is, but when I do I tend to over do it. Sometimes I talk when listening is really what is needed. Since this keeps coming back to me I am going to see how quiet I can be as well.
I wish I could just hibernate from life for awhile but that’s not possible – I have two teens and two young adults still at home. I have the work of keeping a home as well. Those two things have to happen. The youtube, facebook, instagram does not. They are escapes and I need to start getting my life back to something I want to take part in again.
The other thing I really need to do is the body basics – Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Water. You know, like in this book (which is a book for the overwhelmed mom than for kids). Without them I won’t be able to cope with everything else and so I have to do it.
Only 22 days left this year and they are some of the busiest days of all, but after that (and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’s actually going to happen this time), I’m going to get quiet. I need to. For my sake and those around me.
What I Read October 2019
November 4, 2019
I thought I might title these book posts with a real date in case I want to revisit them someday. I do keep a small list, but these posts enable me to expand on that. With that in mind let’s begin.
After my Sidetracked Home Executive binge in September, I decided to keep the cleaning theme going but with more of a spiritual slant. So, I took out “A Monk’s Guide To A Clean House and Mind” by Shoukei Matsumoto. It is a very quick read, however you don’t want to read too fast to miss the lessons this man teaches. Sure, it’s with a Buddhist perspective, however, I am Catholic and this still spoke with a hint to the monastic life. Tips on cleaning and also how to keep God close within the work of the home. I really enjoyed it and it’s lessons are sticking with me.
After that I read “Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren. This one isn’t so much about cleaning as it is about sanctifying the ordinary moments in our day. Again, not Catholic, but really close (she’s Anglican I believe). One of the reasons I am Catholic is because of the liturgy – the mass, the church year – I love all of that. Some people think it’s too routine, but that’s what I like about it – it keeps me grounded. There were so many gems in this one that I’m going to have to actually buy it so I can underline and dog ear it to my heart’s content.
I also started “Holiness For Housewives and Other Working Women” by Dom Hubert Van Zeller. This is written by a Catholic monk who was also a great spiritual director – I can see why. Much practical advice for women who want to grow in holiness through changing diapers and washing dishes. I’ve only just started but so far so good. There are also basic prayers in the back including one for when you are tired of all the housework and ready to throw in the dish towel. That’s worth the price of the book right there. :-)
I am currently reading “A Year of Biblical Womanhood” by the late Rachel Held Evans. This book has intrigued me for a long time, so when I saw it on the sale rack at B&N I knew I had to get it. This is Rachel’s record of her year of living as close to biblical womanhood as taught in the bible (or elsewhere) as possible. So, so good and I’m only half way through. There is a LOT to think on in here and it is also funny. Thank you Rachel – RIP.
In the spiritual reading category, I am still in the Psalms and Part 4 of the Catechism (Prayer). Once I get through the Catechism, I may read “We Pray” by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr for an expansion on that. I have several other books on prayer including “Interior Castle” by St Teresa of Avila that I may try as well. We’ll see. I feel like this month’s reading was very much Spirit led and I’m glad I listened. It all went together so well.
For the future I may take on some classics that I’ve never read (but have seen the movies of) like “Little Women” and “Pride and Prejudice”. Maybe one every month next year? Hmm – that could work. I’ll let you know.
Anywho – hope you are reading something good too and I’ll see you at the end of this month with more good reads. :-)
The month that was October
November 3, 2019
So, last month was kind of crazy in some ways and fairly normal in others. Let’s start with the weather. Summer (temps in the 90s) hung on until the first week of October. Several cold fronts and tornadoes later, winter decided to make an entrance even though it’s only early fall. The trees are barely colorful and between the overheated September and too cold October, I think the leaves will all just turn brown and fall off. :-( The foliage and cool weather make fall one of my favorite times of year, but this year? Not so much.
I stocked up a lot on food and last week I had to have a stay out of the stores and eat from the pantry challenge. It wasn’t hard to do and it felt good to not shop as much. I am having a crisis of meals so I ordered a cookbook and will start cooking out of it. I won’t have to think about what to eat because it will all be done for me. It’s also got some vegetarian options and I’d like to get more into that as well.
I made a few mini Sephora hauls both in store and online and am using only my Fresh products until they run out. I tried a few foundation samples but still haven’t found one I really like. That said, I am kind of trying out Cover Girl ones and there’s a couple that are pretty good. So, may stick with those for awhile.
One of my kiddos broke their glasses so I made appointments for the eye doc for everyone. Well, almost everyone, but that’s a story for another day.
I still mourn not homeschooling, but I’m keeping the higher level books until everyone graduates from public school. Because you never know.
I am doing the Christmas Countdown again this year. I realized today that I don’t take a month to do it, I really take two. That’s not a bad idea though because the holidays take a lot of planning and doing.
I spent a good portion of the month crying. There is so much going on in my life and I’m overwhelmed by it all. Life is changing so fast, there are so many things that need to be done around the house, and I’m supposed to be making self-care a priority. How to do it all? I cry. I’m hoping that in January I can have a hibernate month and regain some inner calm.
So, that was my month. I’ll have a books post soon because I read 3 gems last month. They all went together with the prayer theme as well. Very Providential how that all worked out.
Well, here’s to the approaching holidays and making decisions and getting things done. Cheers!
What I’m Reading – August/September
September 27, 2019
Okay, so two months behind but better late…blah, blah, blah. You know the drill. That said, I decided to go back to my regular way of logging what I read – the piece of paper with not a lot of room. It’s actually easier to remember and a line or two of info isn’t all that bad. If a book is good I’ll remember it. I thought I hadn’t read much so far this year, but I’ve reading about a book a week. Also – I’ve read a lot of books on housekeeping and cleaning house this year so I guess that’s the annual topic. :-P Let’s dive in with a cuppa tea or coffee and a biscuit or two.
I only read one book in August and my spiritual reading. The one book I read was “How to make a difference when you can’t find your keys” by Marilyn Paul (no taking off points for improper capitalization please – it’s a long title). It was really, really good and it had a lot of areas for thought beyond a cluttered home. I could actually use some of the questions in relation to my weight loss goals. It’s really a workbook in a book so you can go through it at your own pace and jot down thoughts and ideas as you go. Decluttering and doing things differently to get to a better place take time and this is the book to help you with that.
For spiritual reading I read the Book of Revelation and Scott Hahn’s “The Lamb’s Supper” which is about the meaning of Revelation and how a lot of it relates to the Catholic Mass. It was a really good read and an easy one as well so anyone can pick this up and get a lot out of it. I also finished Part 3 of the Catechism – Life in Christ – along with Oscar Lukefahr’s “We Live: To Know, Love, and Serve God”. All of these books went together so well and I learned a lot. I really enjoyed it.
Now for September. I decided to read ALL of Pam Young and Peggy Jones’ books and I’m so glad I did! These books are all super easy, but also super fun. They tell you how to get your home (and life) together one index card at a time. And you can trust them because they’ve ordered their own lives so they KNOW the pain a disorganized life can be. I’m getting back into the box (index box that is) and their kick butt advice is sticking with me. Thank you ladies!
I also read “The Ultimate Peter Rabbit: a visual guide to the world of Beatrix Potter” on a Sunday afternoon that was as beautiful a day as you’d see in the Lake District. The oversized book is put out by DK so there are lots of beautiful pictures of Beatrix and her work. Learned a lot about Ms. Potter and how her books came to be. A great read for adults and kids alike.
Like I mentioned last time, I did start Part 4 of the Catechism which is Prayer and I’m also reading the Psalms in the Bible to partner with it. They just seem to go together. I also picked up “Prayer for Beginners” by Peter Kreeft – a small book with good information on beginning your prayer life. Some of it is over my head, but the majority is fairly easy for the average person. After that I’m not sure what I’ll read for the topic of prayer. I have some books on prayer at home and there are a couple I’d like to get, but I’ll have to think about it. Book titles seem to jump out at me and they end up being exactly right at the time. Holy inspiration? You bet! BTW – this is a yearly reading track so I’ll be continuing on this trajectory for awhile.
As far as reading in general I’ve no idea what to start. I still need to do some personal help books so I my start in on that. I just don’t know yet. Right now I’m reading “A Monk’s Guide to A Clean Heart and Mind” by Japanese Buddhist monk Shoukei Matsumoto – a very interesting read. Again, a lot of food for thought. I like books like that – the ones that make me pause and re-evaluate things in my life. It helps fill in gaps that need filling. It’s a small book so it’ll go fast, but it’s good to read slowly to let the words take root. However, it’s time to pick up a novel again. I don’t like modern ones much, so I may read some of the classics I always say I want to read but never do. Hmmm….I’ll get back to you on that.
Okay – I think that sums things up. Hope you are reading something you enjoy. :-)
The Clean Up Game
September 12, 2019
As I’m reading yet another blog post to inspire me to get going in the get-your-house-together direction, I remembered a game that my brother (or maybe just me) played that was actually kind of fun. Fade back in time to the 1970’s when we lived in London. England.
Every once in awhile my younger brother and I would be playing pretty intensely and to end the game I decided to just toss everything into the middle of the room since the room was already a big mess anyway. Then, I’d clean it all up (I don’t think he helped). I enjoyed the process of putting everything back into order and have a clean room. I felt such a sense of accomplishment.
So, I was thinking about this “game” today and wondering – maybe I should do that again. Throw everything in the middle of the room and then sort through it and put it all back. Oh wait – isn’t that the Konmari method? Hehe – maybe younger me was just ahead of my time. :-)
Not My Thought
September 9, 2019
I wrote this on August 21, 2019 – It’s now September and time to put self-care front and center.
As I was washing dishes this morning I was listening to some 90’s tunes that I love and one was “Until I Fall Away” by Gin Blossoms. Immediately tears started in. It’s been like that lately – a lot of tears. So I thought hmm, time to have a monthly focus again. How about – Self Care September? Then I Googled it – oh yeah, it’s already a thing. And I thanked God for letting it enter my consciousness – maybe He is telling me something.
I know what some of you are thinking – that I probably already saw that somewhere. Well, maybe I did, but I am a believer and I can believe this was from God, the Holy Spirit, or the myriad of saints I pray to on a daily basis if I want. After all – that is faith. Faith as I know it anyway.
So, I think I may use this as a starting point for some major, overdue, self-care. I’ve tried and tried but life keeps handing crises my way and it’s just getting harder and harder to cope with everyday living. So, it’s time to put myself first for awhile until I can get a grip. If I ever can.
I know there are worse problems in the world other than a broken water heater, or even a husband’s broken collar bone. And I do offer up as much as I can for the bigger issues. But I keep coming back to a line from “The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio” and it is this: “So far three of my chicks have found their own nests. I am so very proud of them. That’s where my prayers went. That’s where they all went.” I’m thinking it’s time to do that again – pray for my family and myself too. I did that once and it helped. So, maybe Evelyn Ryan is telling me that it’s okay for me to just pray for myself and my family. After all she is one of the saints I pray to for help. :-)
Use What You Have Month
August 29, 2019
I wrote this last week, but I’m still on a “use what you have” mindset where possible.
I decided to declare a “use what you have” period of time this month and it has been very successful!
In the beauty department I’ve been using all my samples up and trying to decide on a foundation. Also, since I bought my new skincare last month I’ve been using that. I did spring for a couple of Fresh mini moisturizers though because my other moisturizer is almost empty. I’ll post a beauty update at some point so you can see how that is going. (Note: I found an IT Cosmetics Confidence in A Compact foundation for 1/2 price at TJ Maxx so that should last awhile. Yay!)
Because, we were so stocked up on food and I’d been going to the store too many times instead of using what we had on hand, I decided to use it all up before I went to the store again. That worked out really well! I only went to the store on Wednesday to replenish milk, but otherwise we have been eating what’s already here. Today however is going to be pizza night – whether from the store or take out. The pantry, freezer, and fridge are all pretty low so we’ve earned it. Tomorrow I hope to run to the store in the morning and get restocked. (Note: I was able to get to the store and replenish supplies.)
So, I declare Use What We Have Month a success! Next month I want to start getting out of my cooking rut and use the Dinner A Love Story Playbook – it’s time to branch out. I think I was going to do that last year but chickened out – THIS year is the year to try it!
Wrong Way – Do Not Enter
August 19, 2019
Let’s file this one in the “what was I thinking” department. Oh, well, yeah, I kind of did know what I was thinking, but when I actually thought about what I did I was like, “wtf were you thinking!”. Let me explain.
So, I went to the store this morning – ALONE! It’s been a rare thing since summer started and kids like to go out when mom goes out and I decided to really take advantage of that time. I had fun rummaging around the aisles as well as being able to take time to really look and decide. I was feeling pretty good by the time I got to checkout.
At the checkout I wanted some candy, but I thought no, let’s go to Starbucks and get a frapp instead. It’ll be better for you and you want it more. Yeah – brain is not in gear. I get to Starbucks and not only order a frapp but also a slice of lemon pound cake! So, instead of the 180 calorie Reese’s peanut butter cup I was going to get, I ingested a 500 calorie frappucino AND a 470 calorie slice of lemon pound cake. Uh, yeah – did I save anything there? Nope. UGH!
I think it may be time to start writing down what I really eat in a day and the decisions I make about what I eat because clearly I am deluding myself currently. :-P
End of July Report
August 1, 2019
This month actually felt like summer – finally! We had so much rain and storms from May through half of June that summer seemed late in getting started. Luckily things have been calmer…except for that storm a week ago which blew through with 80mph winds and the flood watch we are in for the weekend. Le sigh.
I have been very sad and weepy of late. I’m not sure whether it’s just my ongoing stressed out life, or my changing life situation, or menopause, but it’s time to address it before it gets worse. I mentioned in my last post about books I am going to read, but I am also considering some minor therapy to help me figure some things out. It’s always good to talk to someone who is removed enough from the situation so you can regain perspective. I know the basics of what I need to do but it’s hard when you feel like it’s never going to make a difference.
My husband went on his annual camping trip and my oldest son went along for the ride. It was quiet around here both in the house and in my head. I caught up on things I needed to do as well as did some things I enjoy and never seem to do. I even allowed myself a day or two of not much – I needed that too.
My oldest son has been visiting as mentioned above and so the house has been filling up with siblings eager to visit with him. There was a super secret late birthday party which I managed to pull off without older son knowing as well. Lots of games, food, and laughter. He left today and I miss him already.
My kids and I made a road trip to a neighboring town which we haven’t done since March and it was a lot of fun! I made a Target haul and got a couple of things in Sephora as well. I felt really, really good after a day out.
Oh yeah, the Stitch Fix thing. My posts are late in going up on my fashion issues, but I will say I decided to halt my Stitch Fix boxes. They were more stressful than fun and out of 42 items I’ve only kept 9 which is not a good return. I still need pants desperately so I should address that first, but on my own. Ugh. This is why I was hoping Stitch Fix would work.
And that was my month. August is going to be busy with school starting soon. That means a clothing shopping trip as well as school supplies. What we really need is a weekend shopping trip so we can go to all the places we want to without trying to cram it all in one day. We go out of town because there are far more stores to choose from than where I live. Yes, I’m all about keeping tax dollars here, but when what you have is severely limited you sometimes need to go elsewhere to get what you need.
So, goodbye July and hello August – enjoy what’s left of summer!