September It Is
September 7, 2020
Kind of Yoda-like wouldn’t you say? :-) But, it is a new month and a new season so it’s time for a fresh start.
My Summer Schedule is over and it was okay. I decided to ditch Flylady, except for zones and weekly planning, and I bought the classic “Home Comforts” by Cheryl Mendelson to fill in the gaps in my housekeeping skills.
I read several books in August, the funnest and most inspiring being “The Jane Austen Diet” by Bryan Kozlowski. I plan to implement a lot of these ideas this fall and hopefully get on the path to wellness. Well, it’s the hope anyway. I have recovered for the most part from depression, but the self-care part is still wanting.
Speaking of books, the library trip followed by a tea party every two weeks gig has been reinstated as well. My daughters and I are happy and there was a lot of sipping and reading going on Saturday. I hope our library reopens on Sundays though as that is the best day to have this quiet time.
And finally, with cooler weather comes more time outside. My old body doesn’t like the heat much anymore so I tend to wait for cool snaps in the summer or, if it’s really brutal, just wait until fall arrives. I’m looking forward to more time at the duck pond.
I hope your summer was a good one, all things considered, and let’s take time this fall for a refresh.
What I Read in July 2020
August 12, 2020
It was a very fruitful reading month for once! So let’s get to the details.
Gift of the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh – This was a re-read for me and summertime is a great time to get into it since it’s about the beach, the sea, and shells. A quiet book, it’s for women in mid-life (which is when she wrote it – her mid-life); a reflection on the past and how to go into the future but also savor the present moment. I probably should read it every summer.
Time Management From the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern – Many years ago I read Morgenstern’s book Organizing From the Inside Out and it was a real game changer in organizing my home. I felt it was time to get my time management skills in shape so I finally bought this one. It’s a good read and if you are really struggling with managing your home, your work, your life, this will help put it back together again so to speak. Or at least gain a new perspective. She uses the SPACE acronym that she has in “Organzing” to help gather your to dos and put them in the appropriate times in your day or week. I found that I’m doing an okay job of managing my time, but I’m not utilizing my free time well. I’m also not moving forward and reaching my goals which I already knew because I’ve been feeling stuck for awhile. All in all it’s a helpful book.
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata – This was a book written in Japanese and translated into English. I’ve been wanting to read it for awhile so when I saw my library had it and that it would fulfill the book in translation category of the challenge, I was all over it. It’s an incredibly easy read – two hours one afternoon – but it’s also profound in a lot of ways too. The main character is happy in a job when everyone else thinks she should have moved on after 18 years in that job. It was fluffy without being saccharine sweet and was interesting enough that made me not put it down until I was done. So, if you’re looking for a quick read and want to get a glimpse into another culture, I’d say check this one out.
The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio by Terry Ryan – It is no secret how much I love Evelyn Ryan! I hadn’t read the book in a year or two so I decided to get it down and fulfill the Debut Novel category as well. It is a compelling story of a family in poverty with an alcoholic father and a mother who is determined that her children won’t grow up handicapped by it all. Evelyn Ryan kept her sanity and kept debt at bay (for the most part) by winning contests back in the 50’s and 60’s. This was back when you actually had to think of a decent rhyme, jingle, or a reason you use that product. It was creative writing for homemakers. (This is also a reason I have this blog – it gives me something creative to do for me. If someone else enjoys it I consider that a bonus. ) I highly, highly recommend this book and the movie – they aren’t gloomy at all but surprisingly bright and positive. I cry at the end of both every time.
Okay, now onto spiritual reading.
I started the month reading the Flourish Bible study of Romans by Elizabeth Foss. I love the books and letters of the New Testament and I’d finished Acts so it was the perfect time to get into Romans. I enjoyed the daily reflections written by different women of the Take Up and Read Community as well. Between scripture and the meditations there was plenty for me to reflect upon each day.
I am continuing in the Catechism in the Profession of Faith and am currently in the last part of it coinciding with the last part of the Creed – the Catholic Church. I found “On Being Catholic” by Thomas Howard that was a perfect tie-in for this part and it will also take me into the next Part which is The Liturgy.
I have also figured out new reading plan using the Read Your Way to Heaven Year 3 and my own personal blend of books because the ones the author has in RYWTH are usually too deep for me. Although, I will say, even if you used her book to read just the Bible and Catechism you’d still be doing well. Or, you could read the Bible and the spiritual reading books and not the catechism. In other words make it fit your interests and what you can reasonably do each day.
So, that was my July booklist. For this month I am starting my DIY college and reading two books by Fr. James Schall. I’m taking a leaf out of Ray Bradbury’s book on this one. He couldn’t afford college, but he could go to the library and read books that would fit the courses at college. In three years he figured he got a free college education. So, that’s my plan too. I’d love to go back and get a degree in the Liberal Arts but that’s not happening so this is the next best thing. Anywho – more on that in a few weeks. Happy Reading! :-)
Summer Schedule – Month 2
July 29, 2020
So July turned out all right. Had some ups and downs but overall making progress.
One thing that I did was cut down on my internet time and that was a revelation. I began to be much more intentional with my time. Like taking time to watch some of my favorite movies on Turner Classic Movies. I’ve also started re-watching “thirtysomething” Season 2 again. These things feed my soul and are far better than jumping online because I’m bored. I also do some housecleaning or planning or whatever else I might be in a mood for when I realize I’ve been online too long.
Skincare – I’ve noticed I’m going to need a lot more than just a few items for skincare. I need a seasonal assortment to treat my skin as the seasons and even weather changes within a season. We had been hot and muggy which means makeup meltdown among other things, but now we’re in a cooler more fall like pattern and my skin feels drier. Sooo, I may need to get back on Sephora and pick some minis of gel moisturizers and my Fresh Soy Cleanser for when the weather is hotter, and stick to my Milk Makeup cleanser and moisturizer when my skin is drier. As far as the Supergoop Daily CC Cream it does tend to slide off in humidity so I may need to rethink that too. It is hard to find matte products that don’t suck the life out of your skin though.
Housework – I’ve really dug in with the Flylady Zones this month and made some real progress. The “junk room” portion of the master bedroom got a big dent made in it. Things got sorted and tossed and it looks much better. The kids bathroom is the biggest wreck but I’ve been giving it more TLC lately and it’s coming around. I’ve dusted around the edges of rooms in every zone and even done once a month they stay cleaner.
Menu Plan – I made too many trips to the store but I managed to finally gather everything and make a two week meal plan with what I had on hand. I also tacked the shopping list to the fridge so anyone can add what we run out of right away. I forgot to buy some things on my Target haul last weekend, but I’m going to try to make it until next Wednesday to save my wallet.
Monthly Focus – Remember how I decided to get up at the same time every day? Yeah, that’s gone out the window. I really need a new alarm clock or a reminder to set my phone alarm. This habit is going to be a little harder to stick with. I will add though for the most part I do get up at 6 or 6:30 am every day. However, I’ve been sleeping in until 7:30 the last two days. Not bad but I’d rather be up earlier especially with school starting soon.
Water and Exercise – HA! Forgot about this category. I am drinking more water and reaping the benefits of that, but exercise remains elusive. I do move each day with housework but I still haven’t nailed down anything else. Eating more healthfully is going to be taking center stage soon and I simply need to make fewer changes at a time so I can keep up. I was thinking though, as we’re having a cool spell, maybe once a week my girls and I can get out to the duck pond for a walk. At least it’s a start.
And I’m sticking to a daily schedule pretty well. I will talk about this in a different post but I realized one day that I already compartmentalize most of my day so I really don’t need to change this much.
And that’s my July roundup of the Summer Schedule. August is usually busy with the start of school but it looks different this year and I think we may have a calmer start and my routines may not get totally derailed. So far though this whole thing has been good for me in so many ways and making it stick beyond summer looks easier now. Progress indeed.
Summer Schedule Update
July 9, 2020
Okay, so the last two weeks I got off schedule and my routines. I can use my busy-ness as an excuse but I know better than that. This week I realized all that didn’t get done last week and have spent the time catching up but also sticking to my routines. For instance, I decided to keep on my usual laundry schedule even though some stuff needed to be done. I do towels on Thursday and I kept to that so I could stay on schedule. I know that I do better when I stick to my routines. It just makes life easier. Tomorrow I’m shutting out the extra noise I took on and get back to what I need to do. I feel better already.
In other news I decided that I need my own monthly focus. It is something Flylady added in years ago (not part of the original plan) but I never do them because most of them I do already. So, I decided I needed a focus for something I wanted to make a habit and this month (drumroll please) it’s going to be going to bed at 10pm and getting up at 6am every day. That means setting an alarm. I haven’t gotten up to an alarm in a long time because I bought a new clock years ago and couldn’t figure the damn thing out so I ditched it. For now, I’ll use my phone.
My skincare routine is humming along – the added addition of the Glow Recipe Watermelon Sleeping Mask has been a good one. It doesn’t irritate and it seems to be helping. I also ordered the Milk Makeup Vegan Cleanser because I’m out and added the moisturizer because both were on sale at Sephora and with my extra $10 off it was an even better deal. My toner is the Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner and while I don’t love it, it’ll do until I can find something better. Oops – almost forgot about my SPF! I’m using Supergoop’s Daily Correct CC Cream in Fair/Light. It’s 100% mineral sunscreen and it covers my redness so it’s a win for me.
As for menu planning well, I’m planning and sticking to that fairly well for dinners. I still need to add tracking in but I have started eating lunch and that’s something that went missing awhile back. I’ll take that as progress.
And that’s where I’m at right now. Slow and steady will get me where I need to go. Sometimes it feels really slow but it’s better to go slow and build up as you can because those are the habits that will stick. Go me. :0)
Summer Sched – Weeks 3 & 4
June 27, 2020
Well, week 3 was pretty good – met most of my goals with regard to my schedule. This week however turned busy – a busyness I haven’t had since early March. I think I like a more quiet life. :-P
Skincare – My routine is working and it’s easy since I’m using the same few products and not worried about extras. My skin has calmed down too. The only “makeup” I wear these days is my cc cream with SPF. When I feel like putting more makeup on, like if I do some actual shopping in an actual store, I take it up a notch with foundation and extras. Loving the freedom of less. I did need to do some light exfoliation this week, so I used Glow Recipe’s Watermelon Sleeping Mask. Despite the light tingling, it did not irritate my skin (no redness) and my skin did seem softer and plumper this morning. Could be a keeper.
Housework – Okay, here’s where I’ve added in some motivation. I found a Youtube channel by an older lady who gives talks to housewives. Her shows run the gamut from how to take care of yourself to taking care of your home and even personal development. It has helped me stay motivated and also given me food for thought.
On the plus side, I am moving along with the Flylady system but this week got derailed due to going to some favorite stores that have opened (we waited until things had settled down – not wanting to go in super crowded stores). That was fun but it turned my housework a little on it’s side so not everything got done as it should. Well, that’s life. I can jump back in next week and it’s all going to be okay.
Menu Planning – So, I decided to just menu plan and shop as usual, but I am making better food choices each day. Like this morning, peanut butter toast and a banana. Yesterday for lunch it was half of a turkey sandwich, cut vegetables, and fruit juice. That’s a lot better than some of my usual “meals”. So, I’m being more thoughtful and intentional. I also upped my water intake and that’s helped too, especially since the summer heat is on.
Daily Schedule – I do the heavy work in the morning and relax and do my thing in the afternoon. Well, I wrap up my housework and decluttering early on in the afternoon, but after that it’s time to relax and do something for me. No guilt. This is working very nicely and so I’ll continue with that. I also work my day the same each day – I like the routine of knowing what to do when. This helps keep the housework flowing as it should and maintaining a clean home much easier.
So, all in all, not a bad two weeks. The one thing I need to do is continue to lower the volume on other voices around me. That means staying away from some social media, and even watching how many books I’m reading. Especially in the inspirational category. I see too many good books and then I start reading them all at once sometimes. So, I’m cutting back to one book for spiritual reading and one for pleasure. Of course, magazines are the icing to that book cake. One of my indulgences.
So, that’s a wrap for the month of June. Hard to believe this month is almost gone and half the year is almost gone too. Going into July I’m just doing the same schedule and seeing where it takes me. I feel that I’m more on top of things (even with running around this week) and allowing myself leisure and recreation is helping me stay afloat mentally and emotionally. Which is good because the danger of going back into depression would be all too easy right now. As a beloved older priest always said, “Slow and easy.” :-)
Summer Schedule – Week 2
June 14, 2020
Another week has gone by rather quickly and here we are already in the middle of June! After last weekend being really hot and almost unbearable (our poor air conditioner cannot keep up when the humidity is high), this week has been cooler and less humid and far more comfortable.
The housekeeping plan is going well – I have done the Flylady thing for many years so I know what to do. The zone this week was the kitchen and early on I didn’t get much done, but we had a leaking faucet in the laundry room on Thursday which meant a plumber had to come out to fix it. Nothing like a crisis to get you off your butt and get stuff done! So, I dusted the laundry room from top to bottom which made it cleaner immediately and only took 5 minutes. Then I wiped down all my kitchen cabinet fronts and I also spritzed cleaner and wiped the floor around the edges which are always the dirtiest. Well, can you believe it – I didn’t even apologize to the plumber for the way my house looked because I felt it looked okay! For once I acted like I was proud of my house and didn’t feel ashamed. Now that hasn’t happened in a really long time and let me tell you it felt so good! That victory should help keep me going.
As far as the menu plan thing weeeell, I’m planning meals at least, but I keep forgetting about tracking. That said, my eating today was all.over.the.place. And seriously, I need to stop it. It’s not helping. So, this week, I need to at least focus on just one thing – like water – and do that one thing each day. And not worry about losing weight but getting some better habits under my belt.
And about that daily schedule thing, well, not so much on that either. However, I am keeping to the more strenuous work in the morning and the lighter stuff in the afternoon schedule. This way the majority of the housework is done and in the afternoon I can usually relax and do something I like or want to do. And that is just as important as keeping a nice house.
Skincare is going well and really, I’ve been in a skincare routine a long time – I just bounce around with products with no consistency. Consistency is what gets your skin where you want it. I keep getting drawn to Sephora thought to see what’s new, but have to say, no, this is what I’m doing now and stick to it.
I want to touch on reading because I decided to do a Bible Study for the next 4 weeks. It’s called Flourish by Elizabeth Foss and covers the book of Romans which is timely because I had started reading Romans and felt the desire to study a little further. I also bought a book called Make My Life Simple about burnout and taking back your life a little at a time. Hmm, sounds familiar. :-) So far a good read.
Going forward I decided to distill my daily routines into one list on one piece of paper. The list is how I originally did Flylady way back in the day and so it’s what I know. I slipped it into the cover of my binder so I can check off with a dry erase marker each thing I need to do. The whole point of this summer schedule is to streamline and simplify and five pages of lists is too much. I need to just cut to the chase and truly make my housekeeping simple.
I’ll end with a little story. When I went to Walmart recently on that big grocery haul, the guy behind me in line mentioned that he’d been living in Alaska for 7 years and I said I didn’t know if I could do that. He said that it made him stronger and then he said, “You need to get strong”. And I just looked at him – it was almost like a divine message. Then I said that the last several years had been so rough that all my strength was gone. Basically I’ve been barely surviving for a long time. And it shows in many ways. That man is right – I do need to get my strength back (physical, mental, emotional) and this schedule is a start.
Summer Schedule – Week 1
June 8, 2020
I want to give updates each week so not only do you, dear reader, see my progress, but I do too. It’ll be something I can look back on and it will also help me see what works and what doesn’t from week to week. And right off the bat I knew one thing wasn’t going to work and that was the meal plan.
I remembered one or two days in why I never stuck to that meal plan – it was repetitive. A lot of ground beef and chicken and one of the meals repeated already in week 2. :-/ After that realization I made a huge grocery haul at a local store to stock up on food and other necessities we’ve been out of. I hadn’t been inside a store in months (much like a lot of other people) and the app for pickup didn’t show some stuff in stock when it actually was so I never really got all that we needed on those days. So – I went in and spent out and filled in all the gaps in our cupboards. I almost cried when I saw liquid soap on an end cap – the kind we use too. I was wiped out for the rest of the day but felt so much better.
Now, this week I’ve been watching more of the Richard Simmons channel and another channel which is showing Richard’s motivational messages from back in the late 80’s called Day by Day. That got me to thinking that this would be a good time to track my food with my Food Mover. Today, I realized that this is perfect because his booklets outline several meal plans – ta da! Meal planning problem solved. :-) I really, really want to lose weight and be healthy and buy cute clothes again so this is a great time to make it happen. Water tracking and exercise also go here so it’s a big win.
Okay, so let’s move on to housekeeping and going back on the Flylady wagon. I’m re-reading her book “Sink Reflections” and following the program. This last week was Zone 1 – the Front Porch, Entryway, and Dining Room. Well, my dining room hasn’t had much love lately so I decided to focus just there. My youngest daughters and I attacked the school cubbies and shelf and we got those areas in shape. They had to go through their old school papers and most of the homeschool stuff got tossed. Things I wanted to think about went in a box that I’ll go through another day (yeah, that’s asking for trouble but at least it’s in one place). Did the whole room get done? No. But what did get done isn’t a horrible mess anymore and that’s progress.
On the skincare front the jury is still out but I also haven’t exactly kept up with the actual plan – I’m using another cleanser as well to finish it up and I drifted off the path this weekend so I’m going to get it together and follow the actual plan. If I need to make adjustments after that I will.
And how about my daily schedule? Well, it’s going except I still have spots where I don’t know what to do with myself. So eventually I need to add some personal development in there. Otherwise, I like having the heavy duty stuff done in the morning and low key stuff to do in the afternoon. That said, I did too much on Saturday and really felt tired so I need to respect my limits. However, the banana bread did turn out good.
And that’s where I’m at going into Week 2. I’ve got a handle on the housekeeping so my focus can really be on the personal health front. It just feels so good that I have plans that are all laid out for me so brain power can go into the doing. I like that.
What I’ve Read This Year
May 30, 2020
Not much sums it up. My problem is, I forget to write down on my log books I’ve read so it doesn’t look like much. I may have taken a book out of the library and read it but don’t remember. And of course, our library has been closed since early March so I haven’t been able to take anymore out either. But, I did the best I could to remember what I’ve read and here’s the list:
Save Me the Plums by Ruth Reichl – This is the prequel to “My Kitchen Year” so I was really excited to read it. The book documents Reichl’s years at Gourmet magazine and gives a little glimpse into how media works as well. It’s a fascinating and easy read so if you’ve read My Kitchen Year definitely read this one.
The Good of Giving Up by Aaron Damiani – I was thinking about reading this for Lent this year when I found it at a local thrift store – talk about Divine Intervention. :-) It’s not a Catholic book about Lenten observances, it was written for the non-Catholic and in particular pastors of those churches on how to bring Lent to their parishioners. It covers the history of Lent and the traditional practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. I didn’t agree with everything, but overall it was good with plenty of ideas to think about.
Strange Gods by Elizabeth Scalia – I had been wanting to read this for Lent for a year so I finally bought it for this Lent. I have to say I didn’t like it as much as “Little Sins Mean A Lot” and it’s a lot deeper as well. For that reason I didn’t finish it – my head just blew up in places. It does give the reader things to think about as far as what are the idols you have in your life and modern life offers many. For that I think it’s worth trying.
Holiness For Housewives – Dom Hubert Van Zeller – This book was written in 1951 by a Benedictine monk. So, you might wonder how would he know about the vocation of marriage and motherhood. Well, he does know something of it and his advice is very good. It’s not deep at all so any mom with a few minutes on her hands can gain something from reading this book. The prayers in the back are a gold mine as well and if you don’t pray regularly, they are a good starting point. A book to keep close by and turn to when in need of spiritual help.
Self-Care For Moms by Sara Robinson – This is a beautiful hardcover book that gives a mom who is in need of self-care lots of great ideas on what to do to take care of their own needs. From five minutes to a week long vacation (when the time comes that you can) there are 150 activities to choose from. In reading I found that I’m already doing a lot of the 5 and 10 minute activities and over this summer I plan to get into more of the activities that take more time so I can start working on personal development which is lacking in my life.
Empty Nest – Full Life by Jill Savage – Okay, this is a Christian book so if you don’t like that kind of thing don’t read it. However, if you are looking for help as your nest empties or if you already have an empty nest and are struggling in your relationships with your adult children, I highly recommend it. I haven’t finished it yet but what I have read is very good and she offers a lot of been there done that advice. I don’t agree with everything she believes, but I’m not tossing it all out the window because of that either. It’s the first book I’ve read on this subject that gets real about your role in the lives of your children as they grow away from you – the do’s and don’ts if you will. So, if you need a little help like I do you may want to consider this one.
Rascal by Sterling North – So, I decided that I needed to read more novels and printed off the 2020 Reading Challenge from Modern Mrs. Darcy’s website. There are only 12 categories on it so roughly you’re reading one book a month which makes it easy to do. This book filled the challenge to read a book the decade you were born (in fact it was published in 1963 – the year I was born). I had read this book while homeschooling and decided to revisit it since it covers the years 1918 and 1919 – years of the flu pandemic. It is a beautifully written story of a boy and his pet raccoon and a true story at that. And it was set at a time when nature was still mostly undisturbed and kids knew more about nature than most adults do today. If you are looking for an easy read to fill your time while staying at home, this one will lift your spirits.
168 Hours by Laura Vanderkam – I was looking for a book on time management at our last library visit in March and found this one. I finally got around to cracking it open last week. And then I closed it up again. Not for me. There’s a lot of extraneous talk about time management research and I really wanted something that got down to the nitty gritty. It kind of does but more so for working people than an old stay at home mom. The one takeaway is – make your time count for you. Time goes by quickly and we can easily waste it on screens or on activities we don’t really enjoy. So figure out how to make the most of the time you’ve got for you and the ones you are closest to.
And that’s what I’ve read so far this year. Like I said, I probably have read more or even poked around a few odd books here and there, but these are the ones I remember. I’ll write more next week on what I’m reading now and plans for June. Happy reading!!
Summer Schedule
May 26, 2020
Wow – is it May already? Oh, wait – almost June??!! Oh well…there’s been a pandemic so I’ve got a good excuse…maaaybe.
I’ve had almost three months during this quarantine to “Get Sh*t Done” – you know – my resolution/mantra for the year? Have I got much sh*t done during this time? Kinda. Not really. Everything felt really slow in March and the future so very up in the air. I was very down and cried often. Then, in late April, there was a military jet flyover of our town to honor hospital workers and I had a mindshift. Those jets flew right over my backyard and I yelled and clapped and cried. It was a real mood booster and the best part was – it fueled enough of a “we’re going to make it” mindset that I finally got back to work. I started keeping up on the housework better and keeping myself saner as well. This month I went even further – started a reading challenge (only 12 books for the year so that is doable), got back into my 3X5 housework cards, and I started a plan for June-August to get back on a schedule again so things can get done. That’s what I’m going to talk about today – my summer plan.
I wrote down all the things causing me stress. Then I wrote down what I could do to simplify my life and cut down on those stresses. The things that will make my house a little cleaner, put meals on the table regularly, and I’ll be taken care of too. Then it hit me – I’m terrible at time management, not consistent, not committed to my schedule. So, this is where I get serious and do something to get back on track.
Skincare – A streamlined A.M. and P.M. routine (cleanse, tone, moisturize, and CC Cream for SPF during the day). All products I’ve used before and had good results with (more on that later).
Meals – I’ve got a one month meal plan I found years ago from a state extension website that I’ve used bits and pieces of from time to time. This time it will serve the whole summer. It is a daily plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (even giving ideas for snacks) for four weeks including shopping lists. All I have to do is stick to the plan and meals are guaranteed on the table. It will also help to make sure I’m eating 3 squares a day.
Water – Drink more. I found one website that says 5-7 glasses is enough. Done.
Exercise – Hey – Richard Simmons has been posting 10 minute workouts on Youtube! I can do that. Ten minutes each day to start is a start. Or I could simply count more steps each day for a higher goal than what I’ve got now. Whatever it is I need to commit to something and then do it.
Housework – Flylady – exactly as she spells it out. No excuses. In 3 months time I could get a lot done!
Sticking to A Daily Schedule – I’ve come up with a daily schedule using time blocks and plan to stick with that so I can get some consistency in my day which will help me stick to this plan better. Lately I’ve been going from one thing to another some days with no rhyme or reason to it – this will hopefully give more stability to my day.
So that’s the plan. I start June 1 and will go right through August. Hoping I learn a few things along the way about me too and believing I can do this. I’ve done some amazing things before and I can do it again. :-)
Blessings and prayers and hugs to all of you.
57 Things About Me
February 9, 2020
You know – because I just turned 57. :-)
1. I am an Aquarius
2. I don’t like knitting or crocheting
3. I would like sewing more if I felt confident
4. I’m not into DIY projects
5. I do like scrapbooking
6. I enjoy taking pictures
7. I love books and magazines (not digital)
8. I love coffee and chocolate
9. I’m organized… to a point
10. I’m a perfectionist and procrastinator
11. I’m a veteran homeschooler
12. I am addicted to planners and planning
13. I am a list maker
14. I have a hard time making decisions (um..perfectionist)
15. I like to cook
16. I love Nigella Lawson and watching her cooking shows
17. I do not like fried food much
18. I do not love potatoes – they are just ok
19. I do not smoke anymore, but I did once upon a time
20. I’m not big on drinking anymore but I was when I was younger
21. My favorite perfume is Ombre Rose
22. My favorite color is pink
23. I hate bad storms – especially wind and tornadoes
24. Kind of afraid of total darkness
25. I do not like to fly
26. I love riding on trains – not much on subways
27. I love museums
28. I love fashion and clothes
29. I am a makeup and skin care junkie
30. I come up with great ideas, but have trouble implementing them
31. I’m not the greatest housekeeper, but I’m not a complete zero at it either
32. Target is my favorite store
33. Sephora is my second favorite store
34. Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress
35. My trips to Rome and Venice when I was younger were most memorable
36. I lived in London, England for five years back in the ‘70’s
37. I prefer Upstairs Downstairs to Downton Abbey
38. I will probably never can my own food.
39. My favorite car is a Corvette (1970’s)
40. My second favorite car is a Camaro.
41. Third favorite is the old Trans Am from the early 80’s.
42. I do not decorate my house seasonally.
43. I’m better at organization than cleaning
44. When I was younger I was more spontaneous – now I like things planned
45. My favorite season is summer
46. Favorite TV show – “thirtysomething”
47. Second favorite TV show – “What Not To Wear”
48. I would like to live in a city where you can walk to places instead of always needing a car
49. I get SAD in the winter or whenever there are more than 3 sunless days in a row
50. Bowling is the only sport I enjoy playing
51. Favorite decade of music – 1980’s
52. Second favorite decade of music – 1990’s
53. I’m not much for social media
54. I miss the old homeschooler blogs I used to visit
55. Lunch is the most difficult meal of the day
56. I love to write
57. I’m starting to feel my age
And one to grow on – My favorite Audrey Hepburn movie is Roman Holiday