A New Trick
November 24, 2023
In an effort to keep my housekeeping on track I started doing something new. As I’m winding up for the day and I know how much I have to do and it all just feels so overwhelming, I make a small list in my mind of three or four things to start with. Take this morning for example – the day after Thanksgiving clean up – I thought to myself, “Self, what do I need to do first?” I was already dressed and ready for the day so I just needed to know what to start with the housecleaning. Here’s the first list of the day:
- Laundry – Kitchen towels
- Unload and reload dishwasher
- Wash just the cups and utensils to start,
And I got those things done so my next list looks like this:
- Put towels in dryer (done)
- Soak and wash pots and pans (this will take awhile as I do one at a time)
- Wipe counters in kitchen (done)
- Refill hand soap and dish liquid (done)
While all this stuff is going on I have 4 lists on paper started:
- Take care of me
- Housework
- Other to-do’s
- Shopping list
- Target list (we don’t have one in town so I’m planning to go week after next
- Menu Plan for the next week plus a main shopping list
So, the kitchen is reset – even took out garbage and swept the floor except for the pots and pans but I’m on that. Towels are in the dryer and I did the soap refills. As I notice things we need from the store I’m putting those on the written list and am crossing off the stuff I’m getting done on those lists,
If it sounds complicated, it’s not. Just think, what do I need to get done in the next 30 minutes or 1 hour or even just the next 10 minutes if that’s all you can manage at the moment. Depression is haunting me again so some days this week getting things done was a real bear. Today the house isn’t as crowded, I can think, and stuff is getting done. Each day is different but you find ways to cope. I’m slowly learning what works for me.
OK – gotta work on the dishes and also tidy the living room. WIll I crash and burn this afternoon? Probably, but I know I got a lot done this morning so I can relax and do something I enjoy. It’s a give and take and no one needs to be spending all flipping day cleaning – it’s just not workable and mentally it drains you.
So, enjoy the day and do what you can to reset your house or your self care. One thing is for sure – I’m staying out of the stores today! Online shopping it is. :D