My Face Needs A Break
August 4, 2023
I was trying to use one brand starting at the end of April, but by the end of May it was obvious that some products were not working – mostly the skincare. So I dropped them. After another month and another talk with a consultant, another product was dropped. She also brought up the fact that I probably wasn’t getting all the tinted sunscreen off (mineral) and that there was residue left that was turning my skin dry – she was right. I also was probably using way too much of the products as well. So, I tried cleansing balms and double cleansing and while that worked better my skin wasn’t thrilled. And oils and balms just don’t feel great to me not to mention if I get them in my eyes :O. So, in a fit of “rage”, I dropped everything – only cleansing with water morning and night for two days – and my skin felt so much better. After that, I decided to add a very low key routine back in with a basic cleanser and moisturizer for very dry sensitive skin plus a water mist for a few days and, again, good results. Since then, I’ve been slowly adding in and taking out products as needed and making notes in my beauty notebook – a place to write what I’m using day and night from week to week and noting what does and doesn’t work and reasons why. The main thing is getting my skincare and makeup to play nice together and it takes a lot of detective work.
One of these days though I may just chuck EVERYTHING permanently and go naked…my face people! It’s a scary prospect because I have mild rosacea (unless I use a skincare product that’s too harsh and then it’s much worse), but I think over time I could do that. And I am more than sick of “anti-aging” everything. I just want a basic routine for clean healthy skin but at my age, OMG, you have to use products to make you look younger. BAH….I don’t want to look younger, I just want my skin to look and be healthy. I’d like to be able to just cleanse, tone, moisturize, and exfoliate like in the old days but it’s getting harder and harder to find what I need as the beauty industry keeps changing and my age group seems to be ignored. Another reason to chuck it all. :P
So, that’s my rant and I’ll be doing a breakdown of products I’m currently using soon. In the meantime, I’m kind of just playing around with products I know my skin likes and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes it’s what you need to do especially for those of us with sensitive skin. Not to mention it’s kind of fun too while still being mildly annoying. And I’m still trying to move toward a skincare product wardrobe where I can pick and choose products based on my skin needs. Like I already do with my makeup – some days it’s a full face and others much less.
Stay tuned as I will be posting more extensively on what I’m currently using and will stay with probably for this month. That’s another thing – too much switching around with products like I’ve been doing the last few months is a recipe for disaster. Well, you live and learn.