Ending Relationships – Starting Over
August 7, 2023
I mentioned in a previous post that I was ending my business relationship with my dentist of 10 years. I just don’t feel he has me and my family’s best interests at heart anymore and it’s more about money than it is about doing what is best for us. I’ve already seen a new dentist and I think he’ll work out great. Everyone in his office is nice and kind and takes the time to really listen and, most of all, not bulldoze you into treatments. You truly get to make your own decisions. Hopefully it will work out. Tooth issues aren’t my favorite and you really do have to find someone you are comfortable with, and who is caring and kind. For me I’ll add not super aggressive. And you have every right to take your business elsewhere if you aren’t getting what you feel is fair treatment or if the person doesn’t work out for you.
My regular physician up and left the group he was in in May. He didn’t actually say goodbye to his patients in a letter but the group sent the letter. It makes you wonder why he left. He was really nice and entertaining, but I felt he needed to do more. I wanted bloodwork done to check hormone levels and vitamin levels and he said my insurance wouldn’t cover it so we wouldn’t do that. Yet, I think it holds the key to some of my issues. That and 5 minute visits just don’t cut it for me. And trying to get a doctor appointment with someone good in this town? Next to impossible. I’m going to see a nurse practitioner at the end of the month to re-up my meds and to ask about this other stuff too. It used to be your doctor was a trusted friend back in the day and when you needed to get in for illness you could. Not anymore.
And I finally ended a relationship where the other party thought everything was peachy. It hadn’t been for a very long time for me and I wrote a letter at least 15 years ago that told this person so. She didn’t contact me for another 5 or 6 years so I figured it was all good. But then it was like they forgot about all that and tried to rekindle our friendship. Not answering anything didn’t work and somehow she thought we were still friends. She showed up 5 years ago and I should have had a private conversation with her then. I didn’t because she had brought her husband and started asking pointed questions in front of him and my husband and I didn’t feel up to answering them when it was a private matter. I really should have followed that visit up with a letter and ended it right there. So, here it is another 5 years later and no communication from me and she shows up after a text the previous day which I didn’t answer and I also blocked her on my phone. I opened the door said and we had to talk and I told her in less than a minute that I didn’t want to be her friend anymore, that I had moved on from the relationship many years ago, and I didn’t want to rekindle it and that’s why I never contacted her. Hopefully that will bring closure for her. It certainly does for me.
Sometimes you just have to move on when you know things aren’t working and sometimes when other people end relationships you just have to roll with the punches. I’ve never been very good at ending things, hanging on for far too long, but I’m getting better at it and these latest endings are giving me help in that department. Hopefully I can find closure and less stress now that these ties have been cut. Moving on.