August 2023 Recap
August 31, 2023
Well it’s August 31 folks and it’s the end of the Blog Challenge with my oldest boy. And he whipped me. Le sigh. On the plus side, it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about what’s been going on in my son’s life over the last year. Moms aren’t always privy to information about their older kids lives the way we were when they were little and at home so I felt privileged he shared as much as he did. I also started writing more again and dusting off ideas that I’ve had for awhile. I’d been letting my blog languish far too long while I wrote blog posts either in my head or for real but never posted anything. So, it felt good to get those musings out into the light of day where I want them to be. My blog isn’t just a “hey, look what I’m doing” but more of a personal journal to chronicle my life and thoughts and maybe it will inspire or resonate with anyone who comes across it.
It is also the end of the month and, climatologically speaking, the end of another season. September begins tomorrow and while the weather may not always cooperate with the calendar, fall is on the way. Well, we can hope it is anyway. And no, I’m not one of those people who rush out for a PSL at Starbucks – they’re gross. No, I’m more of a bring on the cool weather, sweaters, and bright fall leaves gal. If I could have three months of that I’d be happy. So, in the spirit of endings, which also hail new beginnings, let’s review the month.
Reading – I finally read “The Wilder Life” by Wendy McClure! I remember when it came out in 2010 and wanted to read it then since I’m a huge fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books. In homeschool circles there was a lot of chatter about “The Wilder Life” at the time, but for some reason I didn’t read it then. It may be because it was during that time we were paying off some huge debts and maybe I felt I couldn’t afford to buy a book and then I forgot about it. So when it was tagged for me on Amazon, I snapped a copy up through Thriftbooks and then read it in one week. It is very good but let me warn you – a box of tissues needs to be on standby.
Writing – This blog challenge. Part of my problem with not getting posts out is procrastination. The other part is wordiness – sometimes I just get away from myself. I try to keep my posts on the shorter side, and I’ve had to break up several posts because they simply got too long many a time. Which reminds me, I still have part two of my thirtysomething character write ups waiting in the wings and should get that out over the weekend. I also wrote plenty of lists in my planners and notebooks and a journal or two so I’m writing more than I realize, just not a lot here.
Beauty – I’m going to write a separate post on this because, heh, it’s going to be long. In a nutshell though, I’m just using my standard of cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating, and sunscreen for skincare; and foundation, blush, eyeshadow, mascara, brow, and lip products in as much or as little as I feel like on any given day for makeup. Trying to keep things simple.
House Cleaning and Fixing – Almost thought we had an issue with the air conditioner until I realized it was cycling off and on a lot last Friday due to the extreme heat and humidity we had over the last 10 days. It’s back to normal, but I think we need a new thermostat so will be getting someone over to check that out. I had a reno guy and his helper come out a couple of weeks ago and they said they were going to send me a quote and I haven’t heard a word since. Gee, thanks people. So sick of this crap. I did find a landscaping guy and he came out the day I called him and assessed our needs right away. The next week he came by and got our most pressing issues taken care of. YAY – finally got someone I can count on! Maybe I should ask him for help with the inside of the house.
I’m keeping up on housekeeping for the most part, but other things have slid. I need to stay on my daily and weekly routines and I really need to get deep cleaning and decluttering done as well. Just need to be more consistent with everything.
Health – Finally got my meds re-upped earlier this month and will be making an appointment to see a new doctor next month some time. I really need to lose weight and get healthy physically. I also need to improve my mental health a bit but I’m really stuck there too. Hopefully by this time next year things will have worked out in my favor. And my new dentist is fantastic – should have made the move years ago.
Finances – Oh dear God – we’ve been bleeding out for a while and it’s time to reign it in. I’m thinking a no spend month for September and possibly the rest of the year except essentials. Details to follow. On a more positive note we finally changed insurance companies and we will be paying half what we are now. Yeah – should have done that a long time ago! I would like to look into refinancing our house and maybe getting some money for the renovations but that’s a huge ass prospect. BUT you never know unless you ask. Winning the lottery would be so much easier.
And with that, August 2023 is in the books. A busy month but much got done and for the better while other things still need to get done and hopefully St. Joseph can help me find the people I need who will actually keep their side of the bargain. Pray for me St. Joseph, St. Anthony, and St. Jude – I really need help!!
Tomorrow I’ll post my plans for September. Stop laughing – things might actually work out this time. :P
On September 2, 2023 at 1:45 AM, Matt said:
> I’m not one of those people who rush out for a PSL at Starbucks
Thanks for reminding me that pumpkin beer season is upon us.
> I think we need a new thermostat
Can be had cheap at Lowe's (if you want something basic) and are crazy easy to install (I know the wiring is good, I installed the Nest). I'm sure one of my siblings is smart enough to make that happen.
On September 2, 2023 at 3:13 PM, java_queen said:
Pumpkin beer? That's interesting. Mostly I'm already sick of pumpkin everything season - not sure how the hell that all got started. Yeah, I'm thinking basic this time although I do love the Nest mostly because of the uber large numbers for my old ass eyes. :D Thanks!