A Wild Week
August 11, 2023
And then some. We’ve suddenly started having a spring severe weather set up in late summer – it hasn’t been really bad but we’ve had a lot of heavy rain. Which is good because our area needs it, but it’s bad because we have drainage problems on one side of our house and the rain is getting into the crawlspace. Today I was going to bank that area up a little, and noticed there was a lot of water in the crawlspace opening and so I had to call a restoration company to see just how bad it is. They won’t be here until Monday but they totally get my frustration trying to get help in this town and are willing to help me out.
An ex-friend showed up at my door out of the blue last Saturday…well she texted me and I guess I should have texted back no we aren’t getting together, it’s over, move on…so I had to tell her in person. Hope that is the end of that. I’m not good at setting boundaries, but am getting better at it.
I fired my dentist but I did it nicely through a letter thanking them first and then telling them that we’ve decided to move on. One of the receptionists called yesterday when they got the letter and confirmed the appointment cancellations and it was see ya. All righty then.
Today I FINALLY got a landscaper out and he knew immediately how to fix everything – YAY. So next week they’ll take care of the area by the crawlspace that is overgrown so I can get that area fixed for good. Then, I’m going to have him pencil me in and get the rest of the work going. He’s pretty booked up so I want to get on the list now.
My old doctor’s office (he quit remember?) called this week and it was an absolute answered prayer. I had actually been praying to get in quicker with the new doctor so I could re-up my meds, but when the nurse at my old place called I decided to take the opportunity. When I babbled on about all the shit going down, she said, “You really need to come in”. So, I’m going next Monday morning. Not sure if I’ll stay with them, but for now I’m keeping this door open.
I should have had my husband do the dishes over last weekend because it’s been a bear trying to catch up this week. And I didn’t (dishes like laundry multiply) so I’m going to give up and have him do them this weekend.
I had a lot of kids at home this week so there was a lot of bumming around town with them. That was fun but it also kept me pretty busy – see dishes reference above. I even pulled out the “Get Out of Kitchen Free” card and ordered out for dinner yesterday. Really needed that.
Today I got up late (8am – I’m usually up around 6am) but once I got into gear I got a lot of backlog of paper things and scheduling things done and then being on the phone for an hour trying to get people in place including new insurance. That was mentally exhausting but I got a lot done.
And now I’m tired so I’ll be going to bed soon. I’m ready for summer to be over, the weather to cool down, but most of all, I’m ready for all these projects to get done so I can relax and enjoy life again. It seems I’m always stressed about something and enjoying life is never really on the list. However, I do try to find pockets of time where I can retreat and read or watch something fun. I’ve been watching a Great Courses dvd set on “How To Look At and Understand Great Art” (got it at Goodwill for 99 cents and it sells for $$$) and that has been really interesting and soothing. Such a great find.
Anywho, that’s just a small portion of my week. I did offer up my crap for other people’s bad crap so hopefully it was useful. Maybe we need this quote about now from Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“Finish each day and be done with it, You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.: