New Year New Rituals
January 19, 2023
Well, okay, they’re probably more like routines but I’m going to call them rituals because they are things I do on the daily that help bookend my days right. The last few months of 2022 I wasn’t keeping up with things like drinking water, taking my meds on time, and skipping brushing my teeth at night. So, after we all got sick earlier this month, I started making myself get back into my daily rituals. Guess what? Feeling better, sleeping better, and overall in a better mood. So, here’s what I do.
Morning – Get up on time, drink water, eat breakfast, check email, play my morning games for the brain, and get ready for the day. Let’s stop here to see what getting ready for the day looks like: shower/skincare routine, body lotion, brush teeth, brush hair, take meds, get dressed, make bed. And then I have my Quiet Time of reading the Bible, spiritual reading, and prayer. And that’s how my day begins. If I do ALL of these things I feel like my day is off to a good start and everything else usually runs smoother.
Evening – I start this ritual around 8:00-8:30pm and no later than 9pm. Skincare routine, brush teeth, brush hair, pj’s on, clothes put away or in hamper. If I haven’t started the dishwasher I do this now and also drink a last glass of water before bed. Then I put on some lip balm and hand cream, watch a movie (or part of one), and lights out no later than 10:30pm. Then it’s prayer time again – going over my day and maybe saying a rosary. Sometimes my brain is full and just settling down to sleep is more necessary than the rosary. Do I set my alarm? Sometimes – for 5am – but more often than not I don’t and end up getting up between 5 and 6 am anyway. Except for this morning when I didn’t drag out of bed until 7. I don’t like sleeping in late because then I feel like everything is off the rest of the morning. On the other hand it’s a good reminder for me that not everything goes perfectly and you just rewire your day to do what needs to get done. No one needs a full day of guilt.
There are other things that I’ve been doing too like no more than one cup of coffee in the morning and only in the morning. Actually eating a reasonable lunch around 11 to 11:30 am. Drinking more water and tracking it. And I’ve also stopped eating a snack before bed. All of these little things actually add up big in the end.
You might be thinking why do things at a certain time? Because if I do that it helps keep me on track and my day running smoother. I’m a Sidetracked Home Executive by nature and I learned a long time ago to find ways to stay on track so that things actually get done like list making or doing certain things at a certain time. It works for me.
So that’s how I’m beginning the new year and sticking to it. I’ve also been sticking to the no appointments in January as well and next month will begin new dental and doctor visits. I just need January to be calmer after the chaos of November and December.
Happy New Year to all of you and maybe you also need to find ways to get back on track and taking care of yourself, your home, and your family. Start small but most of all START. That really is the heroic moment.