The Summer of 2022
September 1, 2022
So, how was it this year? Not great. But it wasn’t all bad either. Here’s the breakdown.
June – My depression came back. I was crying all the time. And about two weeks into that, I realized what was going on. I’d like to say the crying has stopped, it hasn’t, but it’s less than it was. And because I recognized the depression, I’ve been able to take steps to take care of myself in this season. Mostly giving myself grace to get through the days while still getting what I need to get done done. I’ve mentioned this book and I’m re-reading it as it is so helpful to keep housework in perspective. I still do the Flylady system because those routines have been fixed for about 20 years now, but KC Davis has given me a new way to look at how to keep home and not shame myself for letting it get bad or thinking there’s only one right way to do something.
Also in June, our ac clunked out after barely a year of use. Luckily it was diagnosed as a bad coil and was fixed promptly which was good considering the heat that we had coming.
July was hot – most days were close to or well over 100 and no rain. For the two weeks of the worst heat, it was like a cave in here. I kept shades and curtains drawn and blocked out every window that let in a lot of sunlight and heat. Kept all unnecessary lights off all day and as long as possible. While I think the darkness contributed to my sadness, our energy efficiency was through the roof even if the ac ran all day. I also finished my dental work and was able to move on to the next phase of getting a partial denture.
August – There were a ton of appointments this month. For the last almost 10 days I’ve been running every day and I’m wiped out. Yesterday I took a slow day – taking care of the house and taking care of me – which I really needed. All that work has paid off though and some important things have got done. Like my youngest daughter getting her braces off – much rejoicing there.
As far as the weather goes, we actually had several days of almost fall like weather including some good rain which made our yards bounce back from yellow to green again. I was really worried that the heat coupled with the new lawn treatments had killed it, but it’s looking fine.
And that’s the summer of 2022. I wish I could say a little road trip was on the horizon but it may be a couple weeks before that happens. We’ll see. It would be so nice to live somewhere with all my favorite stores at my disposal all the time and these little road trips wouldn’t have to happen. I could just run to Target when I wanted. Which could be trouble. :DSo, what’s on tap for September? Here’s the list:
- Less actual talking from me – much less
- An update here on what I’m reading and have read
- New skincare and makeup routine
- Breaking bad eating habits one at a time
- More mental health actions
- Vlogging – oh yes – that’s coming finally! (Another bucket list item)
So as we wind down one season and welcome another, I want to say thank you to my readers and that I hope you enjoy what I write. I hope it’s helpful and thoughtful for you too. Comment if you want or stay in the shadows like I often do on social media. It’s all good. Blessings to all!