Making Progress
September 23, 2022
It would appear I’m making some progress and I’ve had a couple epiphanies as well.
As far as housework goes, I’m making sure routines get done but I’m also doing this at the beginning of each day – making a list of what needs to get done. Sure I’ve got my routines written down and I usually follow those. But when things get a little backlogged then it’s more like, what absolutely has to get done and what can wait. Sitting down and making a list can help with that. And I think housework is like that – somedays there’s not a lot of outside stuff going on and you can get more done in house. Other days it’s like – hoo boy – need to catch up again because life has been busy. Guess what? Both are valid! I decided I’m NOT going to spend all day cleaning – I’m going to keep things balanced with doing what needs to get done and the rest of the day is for other pursuits. Oh yes – I am feeling better because of it.
As far as keeping quiet – HA – as if! However, since Queen Elizabeth’s funeral this week, I’ve pretty much kept the tv off most days. Also – reading a little more and only reading online what is helpful. I’m still probably too chatty but I’m also listening more and engaging more with the fam. That’s a good thing. The tv chatter is just too much noise and the quiet in the house helps keep a quiet mind too.
I’m not sure what to do with skincare. I traded my Youth to the People set out and now I’m back with it. I think the other products were too emollient or something because I started breaking out. So starting today we’ll attempt YTTP again. I also went back to the Cover Girl Smoothers Foundation. Only $5.50 and it’s a great basic base. So we’ll see. Still ready to toss everything and start with something entirely different.
I’m still off the coffee and while I really miss it, I’m surviving. Still doing the orange, banana, and applesauce thing and I think it’s helping – I don’t seem to be craving sugary or carby things as much. And staying on top of drinking water – a cup every hour on the hour. It’s an easy way to remember to drink it. I’m beginning to have a little more energy and a lot of the brain fog has cleared out. Starting to wonder how much of my depression has been fueled by shitty eating habits. :(
Yesterday we had a cool rainy morning so my youngest daughters and I went on a walk at the duck pond. Have to say that was nice! I’d like to do that every morning after taking my oldest daughter to work and work up to a second time in the afternoon after taking my son to work. I think it’s called “habit stacking” or something – one thing leads to another and is easy to remember. Also – getting out in nature is healing.
Oh and I finished “The Secret Garden” – such a great book for both children and adults. I got a lot out of it on how to live a more positive and healthy life. Underlined many things to think about. It goes well with The Jane Austen Diet too – all the simple things we know we should be doing but don’t. So, this will help too. And like I said above – getting out in nature is healing.
So, that’s how it’s going. Making progress and feeling better. While the big messes haven’t changed, at least I can take care of myself and that may help me to make the decisions I need to make. Right now it’s just about taking care of me, myself, and my family as best I can. I think it’s all any of us can reasonably do every day.