The New Math
August 22, 2022
Well, well, well – there are just some things that are so obvious and simple they tend to elude most of the population. Me included. I found a book called “The Smart Travelers Passport”, and the very first entry was from a couple who put $2 in a jar every day (she put in a dollar and he did too) and at the end of the year they had $730 to spend on a vacation. Wait – WTF??!! It’s that simple?? Yes, yes it is.
So, I went a little farther – what about saving $5 a day for a year (about the cost of a Starbucks)? It comes to $1,825. Now that’s a big vacation or it could be the start of your emergency savings. And $10 a day is $3650 which is a good emergency savings fund or one hell of a vacation. You could even think in terms of weeks – $10 a week would be $520 at the end of the year. And $20 a week would be $1,040. Talk about a fairly painless way to save!
Every once in a while I read things like this and I think – hell yeah – I can do that! Do you think I can remember to do that? Nope. People, if I had done this years ago I’d be rolling in it by now and some of my dreams would definitely have come true. It makes me sad to think how much time and money I’ve wasted instead of really being intentional to save for something I really wanted to do. Part of that is because I get bogged down in depression and thinking nothing will ever change forgetting that I can be the catalyst to that change by doing something as simple as this. My excuse was always we had a bunch of kids, the house/car was falling apart, but $1 a day wouldn’t have hurt! Regret is a bitch let me tell you.
And if you want to help people – giving – remember that if 100 people each give $1 well that’s $100. Even a little multiplies into a lot. So if all you can afford to give is $1 no worries.
I think it’s time to use this information to bring some good into our lives as well as into the lives of others. Stop thinking you have to do something big and start thinking smaller which can build up to more. I’m going to start putting money in my savings account weekly (at least) and watch my dreams grow.