June Update
June 17, 2022
I realize that it has been quite a while since I’ve written anything here. The reality is I have written articles, but haven’t released them into the wild. So, to start, here’s a quick recap of my year (by subject) so far.
Beauty/Skincare – I started using everything I had in backlog – tossed a few things and bought a few new things too which I am currently using. I have actually stayed out of Sephora (even online) and only bought bare minimum at Ulta until I get a grip on what I need and what’s going to work. I did realize that cleansing oils and balms don’t make my skin happy. I’ve got a four step AM and PM skincare routine and work with only about 6 beauty products as well. Each day I make up with only what I feel like. Sometimes it’s foundation and lip balm, some days it’s the whole 6. Much easier!
Fashion – I fired Stitch Fix and tried Amazon Prime Shopper. While Prime Shopper was exponentially better, it takes over a month for the returns to get processed and I’m not loving that. I’ve bought several items for the summer from QVC and if they all fit I won’t have to shop for awhile. Except to find some comfortable sandals – my feet don’t like the Clark’s I’ve worn for years. I replaced the old ones last year and this year my feet are saying nope. Back to the drawing board on that. Oh and I finally am figuring out my style and what *I* want to wear. Hello dresses!
Kids – My two youngest graduated from high school in May. The Kleenex truck pulled up for two reasons – my babies are all grown up and fun and games with the local school system is finally over (cue “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper).
Reading – So far two of my favorites have been about QEII – “Our Rainbow Queen” and “Long Live the Queen”. Right in time for her Platinum Jubilee. Oh, and one more in keeping with the queen theme – “Where’s My Crown For Acting Like Everything is Fine”.
Watching – Earlier this year I started re-watching all my favorite old movies and even bought a couple that I hadn’t seen in years. Two of those were Alan Alda movies – “Same Time Next Year” and “The Four Seasons”. Still good. Right now, I’m going through thirtysomething. Again.
House – The projects never end. Trying to get someone who will reno the kid’s bathroom also never ends. At least the lawns look better. After all the work we did last year, we needed to move to phase 2 – maintenance. So, I lined up some good people for that. I’m finally going to get my Mary Garden in the front, also scrape out the junk on the side (again), and bring the lawns back to life. So far so good on that. Almost forgot – we finally ditched our old washer and already broke after only 3 years dryer. Tip – clothes get cleaner and dried faster with the right tools.
Budget – Now that the pandemic is in year two and we’re shopping more, money was starting to flow a little too liberally. Part of that was dental (for me) and senior year school stuff. However, grocery shopping was out of control. I was running to the store way too much. I’m reining that back in with menu planning and once a week shopping. That’s working out well and I’m glad. Keeps me at home to get stuff done there.
Me – I’ve put on some weight again, so I dropped the decaf coffee and only drink a cup of regular each day. I know that decaf does a number on my system so it had to go. I’ve also adopted a 3pm tea time habit as well – for stress relief. I decided that housework can provide a lot of exercise so I’m doing more in that direction. The yield will be two fold – weight loss (maybe) and a clean/decluttered house (probably). Depression started rearing it’s ugly head again so I needed to be gentle with myself but still moving forward. It’s a difficult dance even on my best days.
So, there it is. If you want to know weather: January – mild; February – cold, snow, and ice; March and April – windy; May – rainy (over 10 inches); and June – hot, hot, hot.
I’m hoping to write more but realize if it’s going to happen I have to carve out the time. I don’t even post much on social media anymore. Yet, there are plans to maybe do some videos for youtube (a dream). I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime – love and peace to all.