Self Care Wagon
November 2, 2021
Yep – time to get back on! There’s been so much going on here this year and I thought when certain things were over I’d start winding down and getting back to me, but not so much. I’m so stressed right now over some things that it’s really affecting my daily life. I’ve noticed over the last week I’ve been tired, not feeling really motivated, and somewhat down and crying more than usual. I realized last night that I have to change – for good! But it’s the holiday season you might say and I say it’s the best time to start treating yourself well! So here’s two starter plans that anyone can do to get back on the self care wagon.
5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
10 minutes of quiet time/solitude
15 minutes of gentle exercise – stretching, yoga, or leisurely walking
S – N – E – W
S – Sleep
N – Nutrition
E – Exercise
W – Water
I would also add grooming to both of these especially if you are saying you don’t have time to dress in something other than pajamas, have a shower, wash your face, or brush your teeth or hair. Yeah, I know, sounds icky right? Well for some of us there are seasons where we go more days than we should before we do these things. So make sure they get done! Even if the only thing you can manage right now are the grooming things then start there. You will feel like a human being again and it will naturally lead to the other things.
Also – I’m adding notes to the SNEW thing for me. Things like at least 6 hours of sleep, basic four food groups at each meal, 10 minutes of walking (outside or with a dvd inside) and at least 6 glasses of water daily.
So, today I start. If I slip I’ll just jump right back in. That day. That’s another thing – don’t say “I’ll start back tomorrow” – do something at the next meal, or to drink water, or take 5 minutes for yourself. If it’s really a bad day then start the next day but don’t keep putting things off – we’re aiming for progress here. A little every day adds up to a lot eventually.
This always reminds me of a priest who talked about putting whatever money you had in the collection. Even if you only have a dollar because if 500 people put 1 dollar in the basket then you’ll have $500. See what I’m saying? It adds up – nothing is too small when you add it to other efforts.
Rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ – keep that self care going – rollin’, rollin’, rollin – take care! Sorry – couldn’t resist :D