What I’m Reading – Summer 2021
September 16, 2021
OH CRAP! Almost forgot about this post and here it is September already.
Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury – This was really, really good! Ray Bradbury talking about how he wrote some of his great works, his writing process, and tips for writers on how to write and not worry about your writing. He mostly wrote short stories and most were written in 2 hours – he had his writing all down to a science. A small but powerful book and highly recommended even if you only love Ray Bradbury’s writing and aren’t interested in doing any of your own. :D
Rooted in Love by Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle – I thought this was going to be more a combination book of Pope John Paul’s “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women” but it was the usual advice for women – take care of yourself, pray, blah, blah, blah. If you are a young woman or a young wife you might like this. However, I am old and seasoned and I wanted more. So, I’m going to get the encyclical and read it which is what I wanted in the first place.
Heartburn by Nora Ephron – This was not as funny as I was thinking it would be even though the movie was very good. That said, Nora’s take on marriage and divorce was really thoughtful and sometimes spot on. I like her writing so I really wanted to read this one. Her books about aging – “I’m Sorry About My Neck” and “I Remember Nothing” are better. Part memoir and lots of story telling about a woman growing older. Pure gold.
Spiritual Reading – I decided a couple of months ago to finish out Year 4 of “How to Read Your Way to Heaven” by Vicki Burbach. So I finished the Catechism Part 4, but didn’t finish the scripture reading because I finished the catechism first and wanted to just jump ahead to Year 5. Here’s what I ended up doing. I read “A Simple Plan” by Mother Teresa and started the New Testament again. But then, I realized that I wasn’t getting as much out of all this reading. So I ordered a set of devotionals by Candace Cameron Bure – Jesus Every Day – for more of a read, pray, and do type thing. So far it is working out great. I am reading “An Authentic Life” and am journaling and answering the questions. It’s not your typical fill-in-the-blank Bible Study, but something that makes you think about what you’ve read and how you can live those verses out. Much more what I need.
84 Charing Cross Road by Helen Hanff – Somehow I remembered about this movie but since the library does not have the the movie I decided to read the book. I was shocked by how thin a volume it is, but delighted at what a beautiful testament to friendship it is. Apparently it is also a true story. The story is told through the letters between a bookseller in England and a writer in America. Real letters people – that were written on typewriters or handwritten. I really miss letter writing and think it might be high time to start up again during my golden years. But I digress – be sure to have a hanky handy for this one.
How To Be Fine by Jolenta Greenberg and Kristen Meinzer – This is a book about self-help books and specifically the lessons you can glean or leave behind depending on the book. The authors also have a podcast called “By The Book” which expands on the books written about here. I really enjoyed reading this and I found a few books that sound good and a few I knew to be trash. The tagline is a bit misleading though. While they indeed read 50 self-help books they do not go through each book in this volume. If you want more information you might want to listen to the podcast. The book is just a distillation of what they read, what they liked, what they didn’t like, and what they wish self-help books talked more about.
Make My Life Simple by Rachel Balducci – I read this again because I am in the throes of something and I can’t figure it out but it sure as hell looks and acts like depression. This helped get me out of my funk and start getting back to self care and other things. It is pretty basic in it’s advice and it’s written from a Catholic perspective so know that if you want to check it out. All in all it’s a good and easy read with tips about getting yourself and your surroundings back in order after a small burnout.
Okay. Phew! That is my reading caught up for you. In another two weeks it will be October and I’ll be telling you what I read in September. I’ll also be talking about a reading journal that’s new and notable so stay tuned.