Schedules, Routines, and Lists
September 15, 2021
These 3 things are how I keep my life running on the smoother side. If I didn’t, I’d get sidetracked and nothing would be completed. As if housework ever gets completed, but your days can run smoother and you can get the important things accomplished.
I am the Girl of 100 Lists and I’ve been listing things out since I was a teen. I have lists of things I have to do each day, week, etc. I list the books I’ve read. I have a master list of everything that’s on my mind or needs to get done. I finally have a bucket list too – something to dream on. And yes, I write on paper in a small notebook or planner – that way I know where those lists are and I can re-write them as well when they get messy or stuff actually gets done.
Routines keep my life running in the right direction. I have a morning routine – breakast, get ready for the day, make the bed, prayer time – so that my basic needs get met. I have a morning work routine – dishes, laundry, quick bathroom clean up, what’s for dinner – so that the basics get done each day. And each night – close the kitchen, get ready for bed, lights out at a decent hour – so that I can start tomorrow fresh. These are the things that keep my day in order. Do other things hijack them? Yes, mostly the morning work routine, but if I’m really busy then I rework that list and throw extra on for tomorrow or down the line. But for the most part these routines stay in place. I feel the difference when they move and catching up takes more time away from other things. Oh and it took me a long time to get to this place – when your life is a wreck it will take time to put it back in order. Give yourself grace.
To me the schedule is fitting in the other stuff – appointments, errands, day trips – that sort of thing. Monday is clean up after the weekend. Tuesday is Plan and Play – a day for me to fit in some quiet after Monday’s clean up. Wednesday is Errand Day – I run all my trips on that day if I can. One day out makes everything much easier than several trips out each day/week. Lately I’m a little off my game and have been running to the store more than I want to so I need to get that reined back in. Thursday is Desk Day – I pay the bills, balance my checking account, open mail, file papers. Friday is a Flylady hold over – Clean the car, put gas in if needed. And I clean my purse every night – yes I actually do that. I pull receipts out, toss my shopping lists, etc. It just keeps it from getting overwhelmingly messy.
This is more of a ritual than a schedule thing but it is important. Two Saturdays a month my two youngest daughters and I go the library and then come home and have a tea party. We’ve been doing this for years and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The tea party is tea and cookies and looking over our books from the library. Sometimes we read parts out loud and sometimes it’s just quiet or we chat about other things. I make sure if it doesn’t happen on that day we get it in on another day.
In the Sidetracked Home Executives book. Peggy talked about how she was meticulous about keeping her work desk clean because she knew if she didn’t it would be as messy as her house was. For me it’s similar – if I didn’t stick to routines and schedules and lists I’d be running around wondering what I should do when everything is screaming for my attention. So I have routines, and schedules, and lists. Is my house perfect? No! Does it run smoother – absolutely.
Anyway, if you are like me and get sidetracked and haven’t put these strategies in place give it a go. My last post about a life reset is to take care of ME but I still have been keeping these lists, routines, and schedules going even through the bumps. For the most part anyway. Last week my oldest daughter and I went on a mini road trip – much needed – but I still tossed dinner on the table (sandwiches) and cleaned up the kitchen and ran the dishwasher to stay on track.
I am flirting with the idea of minimalism – not the tossing all your stuff type – but getting the clutter out and paring down things so that the stuff in my life isn’t taking over my life. But that’s to be discussed another day.
I hope you are well wherever you are and make the most of the day because life is short and while I talk about housework a bit the most important things aren’t things – they are people. Cliche I know but it’s true.
On September 16, 2021 at 5:07 PM, Bro said:
Man! You're like a well oiled machine! I like lists and schedules too. My preference is electronically so they are always with me. Plus, I like getting notifications for my tasks to keep me on track.
What ever works, use that!
On October 21, 2021 at 1:51 PM, java_queen said:
Man I am SO behind on writing here and seeing any comments! So sorry about that Bro!! Me? A well-oiled machine? I try. :D I totally agree though to use whatever method keeps you on track. I've done Flylady for a long time and I've added my own habits to that to make it my own. I had to do something to keep this house from going under. As you know it's not perfect - lot of room for improvement - but I've come a long way from where I've been. Thanks for stopping by! XO