Summer Schedule
May 26, 2020
Wow – is it May already? Oh, wait – almost June??!! Oh well…there’s been a pandemic so I’ve got a good excuse…maaaybe.
I’ve had almost three months during this quarantine to “Get Sh*t Done” – you know – my resolution/mantra for the year? Have I got much sh*t done during this time? Kinda. Not really. Everything felt really slow in March and the future so very up in the air. I was very down and cried often. Then, in late April, there was a military jet flyover of our town to honor hospital workers and I had a mindshift. Those jets flew right over my backyard and I yelled and clapped and cried. It was a real mood booster and the best part was – it fueled enough of a “we’re going to make it” mindset that I finally got back to work. I started keeping up on the housework better and keeping myself saner as well. This month I went even further – started a reading challenge (only 12 books for the year so that is doable), got back into my 3X5 housework cards, and I started a plan for June-August to get back on a schedule again so things can get done. That’s what I’m going to talk about today – my summer plan.
I wrote down all the things causing me stress. Then I wrote down what I could do to simplify my life and cut down on those stresses. The things that will make my house a little cleaner, put meals on the table regularly, and I’ll be taken care of too. Then it hit me – I’m terrible at time management, not consistent, not committed to my schedule. So, this is where I get serious and do something to get back on track.
Skincare – A streamlined A.M. and P.M. routine (cleanse, tone, moisturize, and CC Cream for SPF during the day). All products I’ve used before and had good results with (more on that later).
Meals – I’ve got a one month meal plan I found years ago from a state extension website that I’ve used bits and pieces of from time to time. This time it will serve the whole summer. It is a daily plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (even giving ideas for snacks) for four weeks including shopping lists. All I have to do is stick to the plan and meals are guaranteed on the table. It will also help to make sure I’m eating 3 squares a day.
Water – Drink more. I found one website that says 5-7 glasses is enough. Done.
Exercise – Hey – Richard Simmons has been posting 10 minute workouts on Youtube! I can do that. Ten minutes each day to start is a start. Or I could simply count more steps each day for a higher goal than what I’ve got now. Whatever it is I need to commit to something and then do it.
Housework – Flylady – exactly as she spells it out. No excuses. In 3 months time I could get a lot done!
Sticking to A Daily Schedule – I’ve come up with a daily schedule using time blocks and plan to stick with that so I can get some consistency in my day which will help me stick to this plan better. Lately I’ve been going from one thing to another some days with no rhyme or reason to it – this will hopefully give more stability to my day.
So that’s the plan. I start June 1 and will go right through August. Hoping I learn a few things along the way about me too and believing I can do this. I’ve done some amazing things before and I can do it again. :-)
Blessings and prayers and hugs to all of you.