December 10, 2019
I’m saying this now – I plan to hibernate in January and possibly February. I’m going to be quiet. Less social media (I was going to say none but I do want to keep up with my kids), very little talking (as if), and even (GASP) less music. Less filler and more intentional doing of things I really want to do. Quiet. It needs to happen.
The last several years have been one train wreck after another on top of just trying to cope with everyday life amidst huge life changes. I’m toast. And very overweight and eating crap every day and wondering why nothing changes when there is change all around me but not within me.
So, it’s time to hibernate. What that is going to look like I don’t know but I think I’ll just start January with quiet. There has been way too much noise in my life and it’s drowning out the more important voices I need to hear. Like my own thoughts and my own voice. We recently had a kerfluffle with the shower again, and I took the day after to just be quiet and do housework and catch up on stuff that was needing my attention. It was bliss. I felt renewed and the next day was able to call and get help. I need more days like that.
One of the things that has been coming to me over and over for the last four months is not talking or talking much less. I don’t talk to many people as it is, but when I do I tend to over do it. Sometimes I talk when listening is really what is needed. Since this keeps coming back to me I am going to see how quiet I can be as well.
I wish I could just hibernate from life for awhile but that’s not possible – I have two teens and two young adults still at home. I have the work of keeping a home as well. Those two things have to happen. The youtube, facebook, instagram does not. They are escapes and I need to start getting my life back to something I want to take part in again.
The other thing I really need to do is the body basics – Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Water. You know, like in this book (which is a book for the overwhelmed mom than for kids). Without them I won’t be able to cope with everything else and so I have to do it.
Only 22 days left this year and they are some of the busiest days of all, but after that (and I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’s actually going to happen this time), I’m going to get quiet. I need to. For my sake and those around me.