What I Read October 2019
November 4, 2019
I thought I might title these book posts with a real date in case I want to revisit them someday. I do keep a small list, but these posts enable me to expand on that. With that in mind let’s begin.
After my Sidetracked Home Executive binge in September, I decided to keep the cleaning theme going but with more of a spiritual slant. So, I took out “A Monk’s Guide To A Clean House and Mind” by Shoukei Matsumoto. It is a very quick read, however you don’t want to read too fast to miss the lessons this man teaches. Sure, it’s with a Buddhist perspective, however, I am Catholic and this still spoke with a hint to the monastic life. Tips on cleaning and also how to keep God close within the work of the home. I really enjoyed it and it’s lessons are sticking with me.
After that I read “Liturgy of the Ordinary” by Tish Harrison Warren. This one isn’t so much about cleaning as it is about sanctifying the ordinary moments in our day. Again, not Catholic, but really close (she’s Anglican I believe). One of the reasons I am Catholic is because of the liturgy – the mass, the church year – I love all of that. Some people think it’s too routine, but that’s what I like about it – it keeps me grounded. There were so many gems in this one that I’m going to have to actually buy it so I can underline and dog ear it to my heart’s content.
I also started “Holiness For Housewives and Other Working Women” by Dom Hubert Van Zeller. This is written by a Catholic monk who was also a great spiritual director – I can see why. Much practical advice for women who want to grow in holiness through changing diapers and washing dishes. I’ve only just started but so far so good. There are also basic prayers in the back including one for when you are tired of all the housework and ready to throw in the dish towel. That’s worth the price of the book right there. :-)
I am currently reading “A Year of Biblical Womanhood” by the late Rachel Held Evans. This book has intrigued me for a long time, so when I saw it on the sale rack at B&N I knew I had to get it. This is Rachel’s record of her year of living as close to biblical womanhood as taught in the bible (or elsewhere) as possible. So, so good and I’m only half way through. There is a LOT to think on in here and it is also funny. Thank you Rachel – RIP.
In the spiritual reading category, I am still in the Psalms and Part 4 of the Catechism (Prayer). Once I get through the Catechism, I may read “We Pray” by Fr. Oscar Lukefahr for an expansion on that. I have several other books on prayer including “Interior Castle” by St Teresa of Avila that I may try as well. We’ll see. I feel like this month’s reading was very much Spirit led and I’m glad I listened. It all went together so well.
For the future I may take on some classics that I’ve never read (but have seen the movies of) like “Little Women” and “Pride and Prejudice”. Maybe one every month next year? Hmm – that could work. I’ll let you know.
Anywho – hope you are reading something good too and I’ll see you at the end of this month with more good reads. :-)