Not My Thought
September 9, 2019
I wrote this on August 21, 2019 – It’s now September and time to put self-care front and center.
As I was washing dishes this morning I was listening to some 90’s tunes that I love and one was “Until I Fall Away” by Gin Blossoms. Immediately tears started in. It’s been like that lately – a lot of tears. So I thought hmm, time to have a monthly focus again. How about – Self Care September? Then I Googled it – oh yeah, it’s already a thing. And I thanked God for letting it enter my consciousness – maybe He is telling me something.
I know what some of you are thinking – that I probably already saw that somewhere. Well, maybe I did, but I am a believer and I can believe this was from God, the Holy Spirit, or the myriad of saints I pray to on a daily basis if I want. After all – that is faith. Faith as I know it anyway.
So, I think I may use this as a starting point for some major, overdue, self-care. I’ve tried and tried but life keeps handing crises my way and it’s just getting harder and harder to cope with everyday living. So, it’s time to put myself first for awhile until I can get a grip. If I ever can.
I know there are worse problems in the world other than a broken water heater, or even a husband’s broken collar bone. And I do offer up as much as I can for the bigger issues. But I keep coming back to a line from “The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio” and it is this: “So far three of my chicks have found their own nests. I am so very proud of them. That’s where my prayers went. That’s where they all went.” I’m thinking it’s time to do that again – pray for my family and myself too. I did that once and it helped. So, maybe Evelyn Ryan is telling me that it’s okay for me to just pray for myself and my family. After all she is one of the saints I pray to for help. :-)