Weight Loss Goals vs Other Goals
June 3, 2019
This thought keeps coming up with me – if I can (fill in the blank) then shouldn’t I be able to lose weight? One of my counselors even brought it up. So I’m here to talk about my other goals and reaching them and find the lesson in there.
Let’s go simple – Animal Crossing. Yeah, the Nintendo game. I’ve played almost every version since it came out and I love it. Right now I’m playing AC New Leaf (I got it almost 6 years ago) and have every bug, fish, fossil, and art piece giving me a complete museum. I’ve played all the island tours and have got gold medals on all of them. I set a goal to get all the gyroids and made that goal. I’m now working on clothing items and after that finish getting all the furniture. How do I do it? I set little goals for myself and then work on only those until I reach them and then move on to the next goal. Takes some time, but each goal I reach makes me happy and brings me closer to the ultimate goal – finishing the game.
OK this next goal is a little different – housekeeping. I decided to get my house in shape back in 2002 (I think it was before the twins came along) and found Flylady. That was back in the days when it was simpler than it is now but I digress. Every time I went to the bathroom I cleaned a drawer out, organized it, and wiped it out. I took each room one drawer or one surface at a time and in a few months things looked much better and I was proud of my efforts. Here it’s not just a small goal, but one small action at a time. A little bit of work for a bigger payoff later.
Back in 2009 I decided to get out of debt and had a goal of mid 2011 to reach that status. I came up with a plan (debt snowball), backed it up with all the collection agencies (which was a hell unto itself), and reached that goal. It was something that I knew I had to do and there was no other way around it. So in that case it was a kind of emergency. Sure I could have taken a lot longer to get it done, but I didn’t want to do that – I wanted out of debt soon so I could enjoy life again. It was hard – really hard – but the payoff has been wonderful. Losing weight can be an emergency if it threatens your health in which case you really have to do it. You have to make specific changes to get results. Right now my health is not great and I know my weight plays into that. That said, one thing I have been doing is drinking more water – a crucial habit. The payoff? I feel better, sleep better, and have lost a few pounds. So, this route could be helpful for kicking bad habits to the curb.
So there you have it – three different goal settings and how I reached those goals. What have I learned?
- Set small goals and when you reach that goal set another one.
- Do a little each day – every little bit adds up to reach your goal
- Declare an “emergency” and what the most pressing issue is and get that done.
OK – well I guess it’s time to set some goals then! I’ll take a day or so to think on that and get back with you. Or maybe I’ll keep it to myself like my son did. I had no idea anything was going on until he started posting pictures of himself running in races. The results were amazing! I want results and if I want them bad enough I can do it! I know it.
On July 2, 2019 at 1:14 PM, Val said:
You go girl!