What I Read in January
February 28, 2019
(Well crap, I meant to post this on February 8 but I might have been sick at that time. It’s been a rough month folks, but better late than never right?)
So, I didn’t read just a lot last month, but I did read and finish “When Your Rope Breaks” by Stephen Brown. It ended up being a great book and helped me calm down a lot over the house mess and other stuff. It’s a Christian book so may not be for everyone, but you can always read, take what you like and skip what you don’t. We always have that option.
I started reading the Gospels – I finished Matthew right at the end of January and am reading Mark now. It’s been awhile since I’ve read them so different things are jumping out at me to give me pause.
Last week I when I went to our library, I stopped in the little bookstore there and picked up 4 books! I got “Interior Castle” by St. Teresa of Avila, “Abandonment to Divine Providence” by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, “Revelations of Divine Love” by Julian of Norwich, and “33 Days to Merciful Love” by Fr. Michael Gaitley. That last one would make a good Lenten read. I’ve already started on the Caussade book and for something written back in the 1700’s the translation reads very easily today. I’ll write more on it another time, but suffice it to say, it’s a very good spiritual help if you’re trying to get closer to God. In that vein, I know that the books by St. Teresa and Julian of Norwich are most likely going to be much deeper reads so I’ll need more time for those.
I also bought “Book Girl” by Sarah Clarkson for myself and for my book loving daughter. It’s how to read and suggestions on what to read through book lists. And it’s mostly novels which I can’t seem to be able to read but really want to. And I want to get to the classics I’ve never read. There are no newer books I’m particularly attracted to and some actually have triggers in them for me so I tend to stay away. This book looks like a good help to kick start my reading life again.
Sooo, that’s the reading report. I really wish we still had a bookstore in town so I had more choices and I could look at books. At least there’s the library. Happy Reading!
(I’ll be posting my February reading wrap-up tomorrow.)