I’m sorry, that number’s busy…
October 2, 2018
I’ve been thinking a lot of this lately. I often joke about how I think sometimes God takes the phone off the hook when my call comes through. And I think He kind of does. Why? Because it is a lack of trust (and sheer panic) that causes me to “hey, God” 5,000 times sometimes when once or twice is all I need instead of constant. Would you want to hear that? Me neither.
Let me give you an example. Last year I made a trip to San Francisco from my home in the midwest. This involved flying which I hadn’t done in 32 years and which also scared the crap out of me just thinking about it. I made it there without too many repeated prayers. But once I got out there I was afraid of every new thing I was doing. “Please God let this subway train make it”, “Please God, don’t let the ferry go down”, “Please God….” and so on. All the time! All that fear kept me from really enjoying myself to the fullest. After finally getting a vacation, I should have been more focused on the fun. One or two prayers is all I needed and then letting God take it over. I won’t even discuss the return trip except to say it was a lot more of the same.
Last week I did it again over the appliance installation. In fact, I was so worried I made myself physically sick. Finally, I just prayed to Jesus to take care of it and did what I could to prepare and moved on. Guess what? It turned out okay.
So, that’s something I need to work on – trust. Trust in God and trust in people. It’s not something that comes easy to me due to a wonky past, but I can work on it a little each day. That way, my life isn’t one big worry-fest and I might find life is more enjoyable.