September Update
September 27, 2018
OMG – can you believe that September is almost over already?? Me neither! And the holidays are looming – as well as the end of the year birthdays at the Oh Crap house. It’s a good thing the girls are in school now – I may hibernate in January. :-P
So how are things? Busy! But you knew that right? Since the first of August it’s been a never ending stream of to do’s for me. The school year started on a bumpy note, but it has since smoothed out. We got our appliances replaced this last Monday so there was the prep and stress of that. It is so nice to have laundry get done all in one day with no laundromat or hanging laundry up to dry involved. The dishwasher is really throwing me for a loop though and it’s going to take time to get used to. And I’m looking forward to doing some baking in my new oven soon.
The last few weeks my irritable gut has been acting up again, probably due to stress and chocolate/sugar and coffee and not much water. You’d think I’d learn! So, I’m going to be getting back on the let’s get healthy wagon because, really, there is no putting it off anymore. It just has to be done. Self-care to the rescue!
There are other issues as well, more personal/relational, but I won’t go into that here. However, I could use some prayers/good thoughts in that direction if you are so inclined. And many thanks in advance.
In the housework department, I’m off the Flylady wagon and I think it’s for good. I keep trying to go back to it, but it just doesn’t click for me anymore. I’m going to try some of the Clean Mama challenges in October and see if I can get a routine going that fits my new life. I don’t agree with all of her methods or ideas, but the challenges may help get me to at least get started.
I need a girlfriend! I don’t know if it’s possible at my age though. Gone are the days of yakking on the phone (an actual corded phone) or passing notes in school. I had a few friends during my older boys baby and toddler days, but once I started homeschooling that ended. I had two women in my life during that time, and both of those relationships ended too. I’m okay with that though because they weren’t healthy for any of us. I’m still not sure I’m ready for a friend again, but nothing ventured nothing gained right?
And… that’s a wrap! Fall has arrived and the nicer, cooler weather has too. I need to find a place to walk at least 3 times a week so I get out of the house and can have some time to think. Nature has a way of healing.
Have a great day and I’ll be back as soon as I can! Peace!