What self-care is…and isn’t
May 15, 2018
The book I ordered arrived today. It’s called “From Coping to Thriving: How to turn self-care into a way of life” by Hannah Braime. I’ve already read the first four chapters and there is so much to think about already! A lot of the book is how to implement self-care strategies but also questions to ask yourself to get to the root of why you don’t take care of you.
Right out of the gate she says what self-care is and what it isn’t. Here’s her definition:
“At its essence, its very core, self-care is about identifying and meeting your needs.”
And, here’s the rub, what we think is self care is really, for most of us, just a band-aid masking deeper issues. What we generally think of when we hear self-care is: coffee at Starbucks, a big bar of chocolate, a day at the spa. Now, there’s nothing wrong with these she says, but again, if you’re already spent, none of those things are going to get to the core issues you’re facing. You need to get your needs met first.
I read that statement and, yeah, the bells went off. Very true for me. I know people, though, who have always taken care of themselves. So when they go to the spa, or on a trip, or to have a treat, they truly enjoy it because their needs are taken care of. When I do those things, I feel like they should be filling me – filling the hollow parts – and they simply cannot do that. Some of the things I need, emotionally, I don’t know how they are going to get met. But I’ll start with the physical needs: food, water, exercise, personal development. Then maybe the other things will follow.
So, I think this book will be helpful and I need to give myself time to get back on track. Ignoring my needs for so long means a longer time in healing.
On May 21, 2018 at 8:24 PM, Matt said:
God bless burnout -_-