Payment Due
February 15, 2018
Referencing the other night’s post, I did end up paying for those indiscretions right off the bat yesterday morning. My gut did not like the sudden jolt of an overload of coffee and chocolate after not having any. :-( I also spent too much time online doing stupid things, but I got off my butt and salvaged the day. I took the day off school, but I got all my housework done. On the flip side, I went to lunch with my mom and sister which could be turning into a regular thing. Then, it was a trip to the library to pick up 3 books I had on hold and visit the once a week book sale they have. However, since my intestines were not cooperating, I had to cut that short. All in all it wasn’t a bad day.
Today, I’m declaring another slow day. I’m getting stuff done, but I’m not running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off because I know it’s all going to get done. If it doesn’t – it passes to the next day. Then it gets done. What’s non-negotiable this morning is my shower so I’m off to do that after I hit “post” and truly get my day started.
So, that’s the plan. I need to get as serious about my eating habits as I am about my household routines – both are important. The eating habits probably more so because if I feel better and have more energy then that’s really laying the groundwork for everything else. OK – off to begin the day! And it’s almost Friday – yay!