Daily Work
February 19, 2018
I thought I’d share my current daily routines in case anyone is wondering what I actually do in a day. I still have four teens at home so this all works around the school day during the week as well.
Here’s what I do in the morning:
- Get up (best if by 6am), eat breakfast, check email
- Shower/skincare routine,brush teeth, brush hair, get dressed to shoes
- Makeup optional
- Make bed (or if your SO gets up later than you, let them do it)
- Kids get ready for and go to school
- Kitchen cleanup (dishes, counters, unload and reload dishwasher)
- Start laundry
- Check the calendar/to-do list
- Check menu plan
- Bathroom clean up (Tues and Thurs)
- School
It may look like a lot, but it really doesn’t take as long as you’d think. And since I’m on top of things at the moment, it takes a lot less time than it used to. Also, if I see something that needs to be done, like an overflowing garbage can somewhere, I go ahead and take care of it. Better now than let it keep on getting worse. That’s actually a good adage to follow for other things in life too.
Okay, here’s what my afternoon looks like:
- Laundry
- Finish homeschool
- Pick daughter up from school
- Take son to work
- Break time
- Fix dinner
There’s a lot less to do in the afternoons, because I get the bulk of the work out of the way in the morning when I have more energy.
Now, my evening routine and it is just kitchen cleanup:
- Load and run dishwasher
- Clear and wipe counters
- Sweep floor
- Take out trash
Yep, that’s it and my evening is mine. By that time I’m really tired anyway so there’s no sense doing more than I can physically or mentally handle. Unless there’s extenuating circumstances.
The rest is homework the kids have to do and getting off to bed at a reasonable time and me doing the same.
So, that’s it. Again, it looks like a lot, but once you start doing every thing every day it speeds up and you find you had more time on your hands to do other stuff you need to do or like to do. Since I have no little kids anymore, writing on my blog is a thing I can do now. And your house looks better too and that makes it more of a haven than a hovel.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing every day for this month and for the foreseeable future. Next time I’ll talk about my weekly plan. Have a great day!