Crushing It
February 18, 2018
Now that I’ve said that, this post will be tossed into the “pride goeth before a fall” file. :-P However, it’s true that I’ve done pretty well the last two weeks, if I do say so myself. A couple of days that were difficult, but overall pretty damn good. Here’s what’s going on:
Routines – Doing them! I’ve been really tired a few nights but I’ve made sure the dishwasher gets run, counters cleaned off, and trash taken out every night. This is key to starting my morning off right because I do not like coming downstairs to a sink full of dishes to run which then pushes back everything else. This is one of those non-negotiables for me – like showers – it has to be done.
Weekly Plan – Next to morning and evening routines, the weekly plan is a major player in getting the crazy under control. Basically, it’s having a focus for each day. Like my errand day is always Wednesday, Tuesday is Planning Day, Thursday is Finances Day, and Saturday is Grocery Shop Day. So, sticking to this plan is a must.
Laundry – I’ve been making sure to stay on my laundry schedule every week. Oh, and that means: washing, drying, and putting away. Done! I have also found that a local laundromat will do laundry you don’t have time to do. Can you say bedding? I may test this out to see if it will work and how expensive it is.
Meals – I’ve cooked dinner every day and I’ve made meals from stock we already had on hand. I’ve also been sticking to a meal plan which is key to the whole getting dinner on the table every night thing. We had take out last Friday, but it was a good move for that day.
Staying out of the stores – Since I’m using up everything we already have on hand, I really haven’t had to go to the store except on errand day – yay! I really love getting to stay home all the other days because while grocery shopping is okay, going too many times a week is for the birds.
Paperwork Project – I’ve got a lot done already, and I finally picked up supplies to finally get into my file drawer. It’s a royal mess and needs to be taken care of once and for all! I also ordered a shredder which will be here today – looking forward to that! I even cracked out my timer and worked in 15 minute “shifts”.
There’s a couple other things like spiritual reading and prayer but that’s a post of it’s own. I’ve also started watching “My So-Called Life” again and I should finish that up by the end of the month.
So, that’s my review for the week. I’ve done well and I’m going to continue on with it through February. Next Month, I’ll attempt to add in zone work a la Flylady. With my routines under my belt it should be easier. That’s the plan anyway.
Enjoy the day!