January 3, 2017
I was thinking about the word resolve the other night and what it means so I looked it up:
- settle or find a solution to
- decide firmly on a course of action
- firm determination to do something
That last one reminds me of the Baltimore Catechism telling me to make a firm purpose of amendment to not sin. :-) So, to resolve means to decide firmly on a course of action and a resolution is acting upon that resolve. I don’t see the word try in any of these definitions either – you make up your mind and do it. Remember Yoda? There is no try – do or do not. Applies here.
So, I’m still not going to make any resolutions – i.e. grand statements about doing 5,000 things this year to change up my life. Nope, I’m just going to resolve to do the things I need to do – and to decide on a course of action on how to change the things I need to change. And then act on those decisions. A simpler way to make changes.
Peg Bracken in the “I Hate to Housekeep Book” says, “Act immediately on whatever housewifely impulses come your way” and I think that is a good way to get things done. If you see something that needs to be done – do it. I’ve actually been doing that lately and it works. So, here’s to a new year of living and making changes where needed. Martinis anyone?