It’s A New Year
January 1, 2017
I think we all feel a little wobbly since the passing of 2016 and not knowing what this new year will bring. I try not to think about the crap that could happen and to just keep focused on what I need to do for me, my family, and my community every day. It is enough.
Am I making resolutions? Nope. Do I need to make changes? Yep. So, this year I’ll just keep on moving forward and making the changes I need to make while living my life in the normal lane. How did I do last year? Not great – so this year it’s just making changes as I go. No more I’m going to do this, that, or the other. I know what I need to do and I need to just do it and make those things a part of my life. No grandiose statements – just live the life I have. Again, it’s enough.
So, Happy New Year to all of you and let’s just keep on keeping on with the wisdom of St. Padre Pio – “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.” Amen.