Gaudete Sunday
December 11, 2016
We lit the third candle on the Advent wreath yesterday for Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means Rejoice so the day is all about rejoicing in the Lord. Henri Nouwen had this to say about JOY:
“the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing — sickness, failure, emotional distress, oppression, war, or even death — can take that love away.”
Amen, Bro!
Oh, and here’s what Pope Francis has to say about Gaudete Sunday:
“Sunday of joy,” and that instead of fretting about “all they still haven’t” done to prepare for Christmas, people should “think of all the good things life has given you.”
Again – good words to think on especially as we approach the end of another year. I tend to think of the crap (especially in difficult years) instead of finding the good stuff that surely was there. Maybe it’s time for me to start that gratitude journal.
I also love how each Sunday the light from the candles shine brighter and brighter over the creche as one by one all are lit. This year we added some pieces to our set and the kids noticed right off the bat! Yes – my teens! I was happy. Because, you know, it often really is the little things that speak the loudest.
So, let’s rejoice in this season and if you see someone who could use some cheering up do something for them. Lend your spirit to theirs so that all can have even just a moment of joy amidst life’s difficulties.
Rejoice, rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!