First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2016
Just a quick note to say that I love how Advent and Christmas are arranged on the calendar this year. There are 4 full weeks of Advent because Christmas starts on a Sunday! And then, be still my heart, the O Antiphons begin on the 4th Sunday of Advent and go all week until Christmas Eve. Okay, I think they officially start on the 17th, but I will break with tradition and do them that last week because it’s neater. Really – what’s one day off? Yeah, I’m kind of anal retentive that way. I like to be organized even though a lot of my life is actually disorganized. If I can keep to routines and a semblence of organization I feel better. But that’s also my downfall because when things interrupt that organization I tend to scramble. Like – that is NOT supposed to happen! And then I tend to slip down the slippery slope of “why do I bother”. It’s then that I need to get back up and continue with my routines and life to keep it going. Because, life is still happening and I do need to bother – for my kids and my self.
So, we begin. We lit the first candle on the Advent wreath tonight, prayed and pondered, and read from a book of Christmas memories by Tomie dePaola.
Enjoy this time of preparation if you keep Advent. Find time to pray,find time for quiet, and remember to take care of your own needs (physical and mental) amidst the busyness.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel!