Down By Two Posts
November 10, 2016
So, yeah, I know I’m down by two posts in this blog throwdown, but it’s been a busy week. One of my daughters broke her finger – tripped on the sidewalk – on Friday , and that’s been my focus. Also, the damned election where I spent almost an hour to sign my name, fill out the ballot, and cast my vote. I heard some old geezer make a sexist comment on his way out and I wanted to smack him, but ya know – karma.
Matt has a fantastic stream of consciousness post that I loved! Made me laugh and let me tell you we need all the laughter we can get right now. There’s a great Twitter, Facebook, and blog called You Had One Job and it’s frickin’ hilarious. My kids and I were laughing our butts off on Tuesday evening looking through the posts – stress relieving for sure.
Yesterday I spent quietly with no news, very little Facebook, and mostly cleaning the house because that really has to be kept up. Not happy, scared, but I can’t wallow in sadness either. What I can do is put my big girl panties on and keep making a difference because hatred has been around a long time and it’s going to keep being around because people are people. We get hurt and angry and sometimes we carry those hurts a long time. Like Robert Downey Jr says in Home For the Holidays, “Just lay it down already will ya?” Yep, I need to do that too. I have a backpack of crap I strap on a lot of the time, but I’ve been slowly taking stuff out and putting it aside and that backpack is a little lighter these days. But kindness – kindness is always in and it’s right now that we need to cultivate it in our own lives and pass it on as we go about our lives. Find opportunities every day for little acts of goodness and light – we ALL need to give and receive them no matter who we are.
So, I’m going to wrap it up here. I wouldn’t say it’s stream of consciousness – it’s just generally how I think. My mind is always full of stuff and it’s a rare moment I sit and think of nothing. Silence – it’s a spiritual practice I’m still trying to cultivate. I’ll leave you with the words of Jewel from “Hands”:
If I could tell the world just one thing it would be – we’re all okay.
And not to worry ’cause worry is wasteful and useless in times like these.
I won’t be made useless – I won’t be idle with despair
I’ll gather myself around my faith for light does the darkness most fear.Amen sister.
On November 10, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Matt said:
I had a similar vein of thought yesterday. Was a bit bummed and mopey on Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. Then I realized: I did my part and so did 100 million other Americans. While I vehemently disagree with some of their choices, they have just as much right to choose what they feel is best for them as I do. So, why am I wasting my time being unhappy and worrying about what might or might not be? It's often said "life's short", but I feel like people rarely actually consider what that means. Enjoy life while you can because it sure as hell doesn't last forever and getting hung up on the things one can't control is just wasting our one shot at this.
On November 10, 2016 at 5:59 PM, java_queen said:
Well said!
On November 11, 2016 at 3:18 AM, Valerie said:
Thanks for the encouraging post. I needed it right now.