Still Here
May 21, 2016
I thought I’d better say something like “I’m still alive” in case there is anyone out there wondering. I just really haven’t had time or the inclination to write anything for the last month. Sure, I’ve written a couple of possible posts, just haven’t finished them and posted. My heart is heavy due to a kid graduating from college and he will be moving 1500 miles away in three months. I am working through that. I am physically and mentally exhausted and feel like I’m going through most of my days in a fog. I have decisions to make that I’m not making and things to do that I’m not doing. It’s an odd place to be, but not really sure I can put my finger on exactly what is going on. So, I’m just going with burned out. To a freakin’ crisp. I do have a zillion new pictures for Weekend Gallery fodder so maybe I’ll do that tomorrow. At any rate, I’m here, but in some ways I’m not. Oh yeah, and sorry for it’s being just one paragraph but burned out people just don’t give a crap about grammar sometimes.