Weekend Gallery
March 20, 2016
Hey folks, just dropping in for a quick gallery. I’m cooking supper (pork roast, broccoli, and stuffing) but I wanted to post these while I had the time (and was thinking about it because my brain is like a sieve these days). Let’s go.
These are puppets my oldest daughter made for re-enacting a scene in Romeo and Juliet. Pretty sweet, no?
Here we have Twilight Sparkle and some unknown seahorse. At first glance you might think they’re totally unrelated, but look at the coloring. I think that one of them wants to be like the other one. Right?
Speaking of my oldest daughter, she is all about churros. So, when I spied these I knew I had to take a photo to show her. Personally I think they look sickeningly sweet. Like Oreo Twinkies.
And here we have Nut-trition packs for Men. Get it – nuts for his….never mind. :-)
It’s almost Easter and we all know what that means! Yeah, a SWAT team basket o’ goodies for your son. What a great way to celebrate the love and mercy of Jesus.
So, there you are – a quick run through of this week’s blog fodder. We only have two weeks of school before our BIG break in April and I’ve got plans for that. I know, like the plans I had for last week right? Well, I can dream.