October Update
October 30, 2015
So, it’s almost the end of another month and I really haven’t posted a personal update in awhile…I think. This month has been very busy especially since I chucked all my self-help book ideas out the window. It really comes down to this: do the housework, grocery shop and make the meals, wash the clothes, get school done, pay the bills, take care of and spend time with the kids. Lately I’ve figured out how to sneak in things for me like staying in my pj’s binge watching Nigella Lawson on a Sunday morning, and listening to calm jazz music while flipping through magazines while resting in bed. I’m finally giving myself permission to do these little things for myself and I feel better for it.
This month has been studded with lots of dental appointments, including daughter #3 getting four baby teeth pulled. On top of that, daughter #2 broke her glasses beyond fixing, but we were able to get in quite quickly the next week for an appointment. It has taken another two weeks, but her new glasses came in and she’s happy.
Son #4 finally got his driver license and I’ve been letting him run around on his own so he gets more confident and to give him more freedom. He is in heaven.
As for me, I just rolled up my sleeves and started getting things done instead of wondering how I was going to get it all done while not getting much done. While I’ve forgotten things this week, I am getting caught up. A side effect of this has been not snacking nearly as much and I sleep better at night. Both will help me lose weight…I hope.
On the unfortunate side, our very old van is giving us fits and I ended up walking home last Saturday while my husband biked to the van to either get it started or get some help to get it started (and of course the bloody thing started right up for him – rawr). That was after a full morning of grocery shopping and I really messed up my right foot from all that walking. After a few days of painkillers it finally eased up and it is better. I am not wearing shoes around the house at all either and I think that is helping too. Needless to say, as a mother of a large family, I cannot have problems like a bum foot or a broke down van.
I finally remembered to pick up the Halloween candy for the kids yesterday which is good because son #5 asked if there was going to be candy this year. Phew! Saved.
The Christmas Countdown has started and I have a few things done thanks to The Christmas Countdown: 30 Days To Festive Bliss by Alison May. Alison has lots of ideas like stockpiling stamps, wrapping paper, tape, and toilet paper so that you don’t run out just when you need them. So each time I go to the store I pick things up I know I’ll need and I feel secure knowing it’ll be there when I need it. Thanks Alison!
I think that’s it. Now it’s time to run along and get ready for the day. I’m running some towels, dd2 will take her shower and it’s off to the races: take ds4 to work, dd2 to her dental, and then to the eye doctor to pick up her glasses. At home it’s DIY for lunch and then school basics in the afternoon. A dinner of creamy pasta and probably drop after that. So glad it’s almost the weekend when I’ll be grocery shopping, doing the Mr. and Mrs. Claus talk with my husband, birthday shopping for one of the twins…lather, rinse, repeat.