I’m Un-Facebooking
September 30, 2015
This was a post also from July/August 2014 and it was going to follow the whiny crappy day post that you may have read yesterday. I’m a sensitive person and Facebook just felt too much like Jr High and I could not deal with anymore. So I left Facebook. Too many happy people having a wonderful time and their 5 billion “friends” commenting. It was just too depressing. So, if you want to read another whiny post – go right ahead. Again, it’s more of a Dear Diary thing for me.
Yeah, you heard that right – I’m terminating my Facebook account and it goes away at the end of the month. Why you ask? Well, that’s a long story, but here’s the short version with apologies to Charles Schulz:
“Rats, no one liked my FB post. I almost wish there weren’t any social network websites. I know nobody likes me – why do we have to have social networks to emphasize it?”
I’m just way too sensitive for this sort of thing. My whole life I’ve struggled to make and keep friends. At 51 I have no friends – no, not an exaggeration, I don’t have one friend. There is no one I can call up on a bad day and cry to. No one I can share my joys with. It hurts, and being on Facebook where it’s emphasized all the more by people getting 92 comments/likes on everything they post about. Yeah, it hurts.
So, I’m done with that. I’m crumpling it all up like a crappy picture I drew and tossing it out. There will probably be another time down the road where I can deal with it like a normal person, definitely when there are weddings and grandchildren, but that’s not now.
So, sorry folks – it just isn’t happening for me.
To update – I’ve been off Facebook for over a year and I do not miss it. For me it was a good choice.