A Sunday Drive
June 7, 2015
I decided early on this morning that I needed to get out – alone. I have not been sleeping well this week and eating terribly sugary food to boot. So, time for a change. I read another chapter of Nourished and then headed out. The plan was to go to Hastings to pick up the newest issue of Victoria magazine, but instead, I ended up driving around. It’s a throwback to when I’d grated high school and I used to go out on Sunday mornings and just drive around town in my red Chevelle and blasting the music du jour. Well, MY music du jour. :-) And as I was driving around this morning, memories were released and I believe demons were getting exorcised in a way too. The years between 1981 and 1984 were the most tumultuous of my life. I think I’ve talked before about how I’m still trying to piece together a timeline of those 3 years. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized just what a mess it all was… Let’s get back to driving.
I went to Braum’s and picked up an iced coffee and a carrot muffin (my stomach was growling) and then drove to the park to watch ducks and the light dancing across the pond. It was beautiful. I got tired of listening to my 80’s collection (because it kept repeating when it should have been randomizing), and I popped in Pat Benatar’s In the Heat of the Night. The time of day, the weather, and the music, all came together to remind me of those days so long ago. And I thought of a myriad of things like racing guys on this one stretch of road downtown (badass or idiot – you decide). Of driving down the old highway at midnight – it was almost always in my repertoire. I almost went down that road today, but it scared me a little because I haven’t been that way in a long time and it’s an older road with twists and turns and the road is crappier. Ah, I used to be somewhat fearless. But kind of not. Maybe that’s how it is when you’re between 18 and 20. Fearless but in a way that you’re almost seeing how far you can go before you really are afraid.
So, after my drive around town with Pat, I headed home feeling less stressed and with ideas for how to nourish myself further. That’s got to be my goal this summer – nourishing my spirit. And if driving around town on a Sunday morning and stopping by the park is a part of it then maybe I’ll make that a new ritual. I’ve been looking for one for a long time.