Summer Health Challenge – Week 3
June 24, 2014
Here I am in Week 3 of my self imposed Summer Health Challenge…yeah…I can hear the fanfare fading away too. I have gained weight – not lost. I am stressed these last two weeks because of over scheduling of dental appointments. And I would like to just open my window, stick my head out and yell “I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore!”. Really. Lest you think it’s all gloom and doom around here, I have done a few positive things.
I got back into Calorie Count last week to help with tracking food and water intake, and also to maybe find community as well. Doing anything on your own is really hard and I’ve done plenty that way for most of my life. However, if you can find like minded people who are doing the same thing, then I think it’s a little bit easier. So, we’ll see how that goes.
After reading this post on Tish Jett’s blog (Forever Chic author), I made a breakfast menu that I could do easily and without a lot of no no’s. I can’t give up foods (except for the really bad stuff like fried foods, soda, and crap like Twinkies that I don’t eat anyway), so I may re-think that and just portion control the more dangerous for me foods. Especially things like butter and chocolate. I have no idea how much butter I’m spreading on my bread so it’s time to reign it in.
I started doing a guided relaxation at night courtesy of my Yoga For the Rest of Us dvd’s. It has helped in some really interesting ways. I feel more energized the following morning and it’s like my brain has been swept clean as well. Can’t explain it, but it’s definitely a stress buster and I need that!
So, while there’s a setback or two, all in all I feel I’m moving in the right direction. Which is good because I go for that bloodwork next month and I’m already dreading it. My motivation needs to be – get off and stay off meds and put an end to all these damn doctor visits and blood tests as well. I’m tired of having too much on my plate.