Midweek Update
June 4, 2014
Okay, I’ll be honest, I’m off to a rocky start. On Sunday I had a soda (it’s something I have only a few times a year), a coffee, and trail mix from Target. Monday, I was really tired so I ordered pizza for supper. Oh and there were ice cream sandwiches involved as well. Oops. Yesterday morning I started crashing, but I knew it was due to not taking my synthroid two days in a row. I completely forgot Monday night, so I took the missed dose Tuesday morning and felt better by afternoon. I also avoided a complete meltdown that was starting by remembering about that and going with the flow. Yay me!
Today, I’m feeling less tired and more in the groove. I’ve got a menu plan going for the week and today it’s chef salad for lunch and a pasta casserole for supper with vegetables on the side. I bought a variety of Bolthouse Farms juices on Saturday so I’m cramming my fruits and veggies in that way this week. It’s spa-ish.
I’m reading Lessons From Madame Chic by Jennifer Scottand that is giving me food for thought too. I realized that I have no particular style in fashion anymore. It used to be very eclectic when I was younger, but also I tried to emulate so many other women’s styles that mine never evolved. I also found a book that’s more geared to the women of a certain age called Forever Chic by Tish Jett. Maybe that will help me find the style that suits me. More on that later.
So, what I need to do TODAY is write down those very specific goals for each week and try to meet them. I need to take it up a notch and do a challenge that really is a challenge. I need to say to myself, “Self, this is how we’re going to do it – are you with me?” And do it. Roll with the changes baby.