Music Monday – Summer Albums
May 27, 2014
Okay, so it’s not Monday, but it feels like one because of the holiday weekend and that means I can still post a Music Monday!
Last week I posted what I put on my Summer Mix 2014 cd and it really isn’t a complete summer mix, but for me it’s perfect this year. I seemed to have pulled out the songs that identify the summers of ’83 and ’84 the most for me. However, some of you were wondering where the REO songs were and of course Duran Duran and the Go-Go’s as well. This post explains that.
Those groups have albums that were complete in and of themselves as summer music goes. I could not pick and choose just one song (well, with the exception of “Vacation” and “Holiday”) from any of them – especially not the two REO albums. So, I’m giving them the honor that belongs to them as my summer album picks of all time. Well – my time. :-)
1. Hi Infidelity – REO Speedwagon – One of the best albums ever! And, despite the title, cleaner than a lot of the junk out now.
2. Good Trouble – REO Speedwagon – I want to note that these two REO albums really go together. Even the cover art was a tie in.
3. Madonna – Madonna – Her first album and probably the best. The one thing I realized though, that two songs of hers that aren’t on here really belong to the summer mix group – “Into the Groove” and “Crazy For You”. Sounds like a trip to the Amazon MP3 store is in order.
4. Rio – Duran Duran – All summer, all the time in my opinion. Even the videos, which were shot in exotic, tropical places, screamed summer. Loved the Rio video especially – so much fun. Favorite song – “Save A Prayer”.
5. Vacation – The Go-Go’s – And no summer would be complete without this music to listen to. What I love about this one is the 60’s retro feel to it. Every song on here is summery and makes you think of going to the beach and hanging out with your friends. Love it!
6. Make It Big – Wham – Again – very summery, very retro. Although this is more 70’s while Vacation is more 60’s. I devoted an entire Music Monday back in 2011 and you can read that here…if you dare.And there you have it – my summer album tribute. If you want to see my really long list of summer songs go here.
I doubt I will ever have a “complete” summer mix cd but, you never know. It could happen.