A new restaurant just opened up in town…
March 8, 2014
…it’s called My Kitchen. :-) Saturday lunches are usually DIY around here so I can catch a cooking break and also because Saturdays are usually grocery shopping days. But, I did most of the shopping yesterday because today was going to be cold and rainy (and indeed it is – bleh), so I needed to make myself a good lunch. None of the prospects thrilled me, so I kept looking around and looking around and found: frozen shrimp, tagliatelle nests, mascarpone cheese, and parmesan cheese (a wedge of the real thing). And I made this awewome meal: shrimp alfredo! I even added some basil for added color and pizazz. Was it good? YES – I’ve learned enough cooking skills to pull this off. To say I was stoked would be an understatement. Of course, I was also stuffed after finishing it too. Now, if I just had some raspberry sorbet for a dessert.