THIS is depression
October 9, 2013
Allie Brosch is the gal behind the funny Hyperbole and a Half blog comic. A couple of years ago, she fell off the face of the internet and, when she finally surfaced, she admitted that she was severely depressed but had been trying to cope with it on her own. She did get help and is now recovering. Allie has completely nailed depression in her wonderful comic – it’s in two parts so be sure to read them in sequence. No need for me to say anymore because she said it all. Oh, and to my joy she has a new comic posted today!!! Glad to have you back Allie!! (Warning – There are a few bad words, but please don’t let that throw you off – these are so worth reading).
Adventures In Depression Part 1
And that’s my post for today – sure – the easy way out. :-)