My Gift For Today
May 10, 2013
I spent what was left of the day outside, sitting in a lawn chair. The cool air mixing with the smell of the damp earth after rain. I prayed and thanked God for the beauty of spring:
1. The lush green that I can feast on with my eyes.
2. The songs of birds during the day and bugs and frogs at night to delight my ears.
3. The smell of honeysuckle and other flowers to delight my nose.
4. The vegetables that will soon come out of our garden to please my taste buds,
5. The roughness of rocks, the smooth grass, a feather dropped by a bird to touch in wonder at such diversity.
Then I prayed earnestly for the desires of my heart and fell still so I could listen – I am trying to cultivate silence in my mind and heart these days. That’s when I saw it – a dragonfly buzzing through the night sky. And swooping up right behind it a bird and I held my breath as I watched that bird snatch up the dragonfly while they were both in flight! I have never seen that before in real life – ever – and it just took my breath away with the beauty of it. And I thought – that is your gift for today. And I am so thankful that I was privileged to see it.
On May 10, 2013 at 4:27 PM, dxprog said:
Nothing quite as exciting as the gift of death
On May 10, 2013 at 5:47 PM, java_queen said:
I never thought about it that way - heh.