Quote For the Day
January 31, 2013
I tried to find the original quote, but they are all about the same – it goes like this:
“Do not trade what you want at the moment for what you want most.”
I’m going to put this one on my fridge and maybe my purse too. I learned it when we were going through out debt payoff process and had to look at the goal instead of wanting it over now or giving up because it seemed too hard to do. Knowing that success was in my grasp was the one thing that kept me going those last six months.
Now the biggest thing I want is to lose weight and get healthy and if I keep this quote in mind maybe healthier food will jump in my cart instead. Maybe I will go for the tasty healthier recipes instead of the comfort food I am always wanting. It’s worth a try. Getting started is hard, but doing nothing assures me that nothing will happen and nothing will change. The question is – how badly do I want change?