Christmas Revenge
December 7, 2012
Yesterday we had a nice heartwarming story about how my kids saved Christmas. Today will be different – very different :-).
Let’s begin with this fact – I LOVE Corvettes! I’ve loved them since I was a teenager (eons ago) and love them still today. My favorite? The 1977 Corvette – it is a beauty indeed. I used to count them on family car trips and a few years ago I remembered that and started counting them again. This was not received well by my kids – especially Chris. Every time I squealed, “Ohhh, look – a Corvette!” or counted them Count style, “2 – 2 shiny Corvettes – hahahahaha!”, he just rolled his eyes and groaned. So I guess I didn’t realize how much of a burning hatred he had for them until that infamous Christmas when I received a special gift.
On Christmas Eve (2005 or 2006) I was upstairs when I heard a really odd grinding noise. It would start and stop and start and stop. After having a water heater die on us at the old house, I was worried about something similar happening so soon after moving into our new place. So, I asked Jeff what that noise was. He listened and then said, “Oh, I think that’s Chris. He’s working on something.” Well, okay – I didn’t give it another thought. In a few minutes Chris emerged from the kitchen (after having been working in the garage) with a crazed look on his face! The boys and I started laughing and I’m sure Chris said something, but I don’t remember what it was – I just remember the crazed look. No further weird noises were heard from the garage that evening. His mission was complete.
Christmas morning arrived and so did the present opening. It was my turn to open a gift and Chris handed me a box. On the tag it said “To Mom From Your Worst Enemy”. Well, that cracked me up right there so now I was really wondering what was inside. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw – a sawed up toy Corvette!! We all dissolved into loud laughter! So that was what that loud noise had been the night before – he was sawing that car up! Oh good grief – that was SO funny! We laughed about it all day. After that I kind of laid off the Corvette remarks when he was around though so I guess it had the desired effect :-).
And here’s a photo of the tag and the gift. Thanks Chris for one of the greatest gag gifts ever in HackFam Christmas Lore.
On December 7, 2012 at 6:26 PM, dxprog said:
I'm still surprised at how clean that cut is. Also, we've got to do something about photo galleries for you.