July Progress Report
August 1, 2012
I don’t know if you could call anything that happened progress, but it might be considered that. I found out that I have health issues galore and at this writing, I await another doctor appointment today to get some things straightened out.
Last month started with high blood pressure, then my ob/gyn told me I had thyroid issues. We followed that up with an ultrasound and discovering I have fibroid issues which may require surgery. First I get to have a biopsy to rule anything worse out. So, I’ve been taking two meds – thyroid and blood pressure – and they aren’t working together. In fact, my bp is right back where it started even though I’m on medication. So today I get to go to the doctor to figure all that out. Hopefully I’ll survive it all.
We finished up dental appointments and orthodontist appointments will start at the end of this month for Steve and I also need to get Maggie in to see about her problems too.
Chris spent most of July packing, winding down work, and going on a trip to an anime convention followed closely by a trip to Six Flags that included my husband as well. As you all know, he is now in a new city and working. Classes will start later in August.
One bright spot is my weight – I’ve lost 8 pounds in the last month! I’d like to see that trend continue, but in a healthy way. I gave up coffee and chocolate because of my health issues but let me say I miss them terribly. They were how I got through my stressful stuff and now I need to find a different way. I’m trying to excercise at least every other day and that does make me feel better. I’ll be glad when the heat stops and it cools down again so I can walk outside – I think that would be a great way to reduce my stress.
So, that’s July in a nutshell. Not great, but I guess it’s progress to find out that all those years of not taking care of yourself better has taken a toll and now you have to change all that and get healthy. It just may take awhile before I finally do feel better. It’s like being in debt – it doesn’t take long to get in, but it takes awhile to dig out. Same thing with health issues, you can run your body into the ground in a short period of time, but it takes a lot of hard work to get back on track.
Hopefully in 30 days I’ll have better news to report.