Be Available
June 4, 2012
I wrote this blog post last year, but never published it. Lately though it has been haunting me again and I know that I need to make changes. Here’s what I wrote:
These words – be available – have been coming to me lately in regards to my children and you know what? It is exactly what I need to do – be more available to them. See, I have been letting other things get in the way and steal my time instead of being around my kids. Sure I’m with my kids every day, but I was getting kind of worn down and sought out my computer and mindless viewing as a way to de-stress. The last few days I decided to heed that voice inside and be available to my kids when they needed me. Which apparently was a lot! I guess I’d been hiding in the office more than I thought I had. Today, I had lots of helpers in the kitchen and read plenty of books with the younger ones. I’ve also noticed when I am more available to my kids that things run a little smoother around here in regard to behaviors. So, I’ll keep this up and make sure that my priorities stay where they should be. It’s not a bad thing to take time for myself, I just need to make sure I’m not taking time away from other areas either.
I want to add that a way I am available to my children is during storms – and last night we had storms! Lots of thunder and lightning and a dumping of rain everywhere (flooding rain to be exact). Early on, I came down to check on the radar and Steve joined me shortly thereafter. I enjoyed the time to just sit and talk together – it doesn’t happen as often now that he is getting older. Then there was a big crack of thunder followed by the thud of footsteps on the stairs from three little girls :-). Becky and I snuggled a little and then I just let her sleep after she took my spot when I left to check the radar on the computer. Later, there was another mighty crash of thunder and Becky’s head popped up and she looked for me and, after noticing I was still around, she went back to sleep. I’m glad I am there for my kids especially when they are afraid. As they get older they will pull away from needing mom, but for now they need the security of knowing I am there for them.
Anywho – that’s another goal for the month – be m0re available to my kids.