Who Ya Gonna Call?
May 22, 2012
I’m feeling burned out of late what with major dental appointments, a house that is in the state of continually falling apart, birthdays, kids leaving, school, sickness, and two kids who tried to burn the house down yesterday. Okay, maybe that last one is a little over the top, but my two youngest boys were lighting matches close to the house on a tiny rock that is surrounded by grass. Luckily I caught them before something bad happened. Still – one more thing to add to my growing list of burdens.
So, I started my day off yesterday with a prayer for help. Which led me to pull this book off the shelf and read the chapter on “Battling Burnout”. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – that chapter is worth the price of the book alone!
And God did help me yesterday – He gave me ideas and wisdom on how to deal with some of the things going on. I did crisis cleaning yesterday to pull the house back into shape. While cooking dinner, I lit my new candles and listened to some good music and that always helps to calm me. After supper I sat outside with the kids in the cool of the evening (one of the last cool evenings we’ll have before summer starts up in earnest). I prayed the rosary before I went to bed as well.
By the end of the day I felt calmer, had stopped my little pity party, and felt I had the start of a plan. Today I am starting again with prayer and I’m going to continue thinking on these things and making plans today as school and housework go on. Tonight, Mike has his ball games and so I’m going to watch a couple of episodes of thirtysomething after kids have gone to bed.
So, that’s the plan for now and as long as I remember my commadments of Alice (like there’s no one right way), I think it’s all good.