My Gift For Today
May 20, 2012
This morning, I took my Bible outside to do my daily reading. The air was cooled by a front coming through and there were the usual assortments of birds flying, twittering, and rustling around in the yard. I enjoy just watching and listening to all the activity going on. Joe joined me and we watched and listened together.
I noticed a robin had perched himself on the fence and I pointed him out to Joe. We watched as Mr. Robin flew to the ground and seemed to be wrestling with something. That was when we saw that he was trying to pull a worm out of the ground! He pulled and pulled and finally got that worm. He dropped it on the little stone path and enjoyed some of his breakfast, but the rest he took in his beak and flew off. No doubt he has a little family to provide for and that worm will make a fine meal indeed.
You know, I’ve seen nature in plenty of those old timey films and filmstrips we used to watch eons ago in school and, of course on tv. But, this is the first time I have ever seen a real bird up close and personal getting his food. Joe and I were in awe and felt so privileged to have seen it for real.
As I watched I realized this was my gift for the day and the sight of it will be with me as I go through the busy-ness that is my life. So, look for something in the ordinariness of your day today and see what gifts our God will bring to you.
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they? – Matthew 6:26